A car owner who leaves his dog behind. Gif

A car owner who leaves his dog behind. Gif
image text translation

(1)3161 likes
(2)jk93_629 When I came to Jeju Island, I happened to pass by and saw the scene where I abandoned my dog, so I followed him
(3)I kept following him, so he pulled him up by the neck, picked him up, looked at us, and ran away
(4)If you see this puppy in Jeju Island, please protect it
(5)I’d like to introduce you to the Honda CRV dog owner trash
(6)Please share it so that many people can see it
(7)#Jeju Island #Jeju Island abandoned dog # abandoned dog shelter
(8)#PuppyOrganization #PuppyOrganization #Organization #OrganizationDog #JejuPuppyOrganization
(9)#Puppy #Runaway #Criminal #Seogeogu #Animal #AnimalAbuse #AnimalProtection #Enforcement of Animal Protection Act
(10)#dog #animalcenter #abuse #crime

A car owner who leaves his dog behind. Gif

image text translation

(1)He’s a friend who was with me After the end of the video, he grabbed the dog by the back of his neck, pulled it up to the car, and ran away as if he was leaving, lowered the window and looked at us in the back car The dog is also a family member, so which dog owner treats the family like that? It’s judged that he’s throwing it away I also called the person in charge of the animal protection center, and he said he could file an on-site report at the police station and punish him, so I’m going to hand over the videoPlease share a wide range of videos because you deserve heaven’s punishment! Reply


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