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Korean service that American mother was surprised


Korean service that American mother was surprised

image text translation

(1)Today’s expression
(2)disappear from the P-symptom
(3)It’s my first time to go to a Korean hospital as a foreign tourist
(4)disappear from symptoms
(5)Registration was easier than I thought
(6)You asked me to show you a copy of my U.S. ID
(7)disappear from symptoms of B
(8)I will protect your health
(9)be better than Seoul
(10)I beg you.
(11)the tradition of sardi
(12)Then, Mrs. Rohee’s name appeared on the waiting list
(13)I just showed you my ID
(14)It was registered today
(15)this morning
(16)Well, there’s no document
(17)Where’s the file I need to fill out
(18)This situation is a bit dazed Mrs. Rohee
(19)It’s understandable. In the U.S.
(20)Even if you make a reservation with all your insurance or personal information
(21)I have to fill in the documents myself when I register
(22)I have to fill out more than 8 papers
(23)It takes 10 to 20 minutes to fill out the paperwork
(24)It’s different from Korea, where you can register if you give me your resident registration number
(25)as a national health examination
(26)Here we go
(27)Like that, Mrs. Rohee registered without a reservation in 10 minutes
(28)Here we go
(29)I’m heading straight to the doctor’s office
(30)No, the American doctor thought it was an allergy
(31)In the past, you were treated for symptoms
(32)That’s Chusarang Corathuspray
(33)He thought it was an allergy
(34)All the symptoms are gone, but I’m still coughingAnd everything cleared up except
(35)Everything got better except for coughing
(36)I don’t have any symptoms of indigestion or heartburn
(37)Yes, I’m talking about coughing, but why do I suddenly have digestion issues
(38)Mrs. Rohee seems surprised by the approach she’s never heard of before
(39)Listen to your lungs
(40)Let’s hear the sound
(41)Start tutoring 11 with AI Oliver
(42)The Korean doctor listening to Rohee’s breathing
(43)Actually, I’ve already had stethoscope treatment in the U.S
(44)First of all, even if it’s been a while
(45)The sound is okay
(46)I think you should try X-raying it
(47)● Expressions of the day
(48)The difference is that even if the sound is okay
(49)Unlike the U.S. hospital that just sent him back
(50)The Korean doctor said he would definitely check it with X-rays
(51)I heard the doctor’s mother’s lungs and she said
(52)He says after listening to your lungs
(53)But just in case, I took an X-ray and found out that the transaction office
(54)And with that
(55)Mrs. Rohee smiles at the sound of taking X-rays for the first time
(56)Clear up gum treatment
(57)I still can’t believe I saw the doctor today
(58)I saw the doctor in five minutes
(59)And he got straight to the point
(60)It’s unbelievable.
(61)I know! You can get an X-ray right now
(62)No, I don’t need to find another X-ray shoot right here
(63)No, do everything right here
(64)Maybe that’s why in Korea
(65)I don’t think I’m going to the clinic. I think I’m going to the hospital
(66)Without waiting or moving for weeks
(67)basic inspection room
(68)Here we go
(69)You’re going to take an X-ray in one building
(70)Unlike the U.S., it’s easy and simple, and the process is transparent, so your face is already bright
(71)gum treatment cavity
(72)The doctor will check it out and diagnose you
(73)Is it possible
(74)the gin
(75)right now
(76)Wow, my goodness!
(77)The result is coming out now
(78)Mrs. Rohee, who was shocked
(79)In Texas, even if you take an X-ray
(80)I’ll wait four days and get the results by e-mail
(81)Matteum body therapy
(82)There’s nothing the doctor can do without telling you. Just send me an e-mail
(83)There’s an explanation, too
(84)Is it possible for the general public to interpret medical terms if it is complicated
(85)It takes four days to get a message that the result is out

Korean service that American mother was surprised

image text translation

(1)Today’s expression
(2)disappear from symptoms
(3)as a national health examination
(4)Here we go
(5)Five minutes after the X-ray scan, I came back to the doctor’s
(6)Today’s expression Clear up goes away
(7)It’s called reflux esophagitis
(8)It’s the biggest cause of chronic cough
(9)That’s how the doctor prescribes you for reflux esophagitis
(10)There was no problem with the _X-ray
(11)X-rays are fine
(12)Today’s expression. Clear up
(13)So the best chance is reflux esophagitis
(14)I guess that’s how he diagnosed it
(15)So she’s going to prescribe some medicine to help her
(16)How relieved I am to know that my lungs are normal
(17)Honestly, I don’t know. He’ll tell me soon
(18)How much will the hospital bill cost
(19)The symptoms go away
(20)If it’s over 13 won, there’s a credit card and it’s 0,000
(21)But I don’t think my mom needs to worry too much
(22)If it’s over 1.3 million won, there’s a credit card
(23)I don’t think it’ll come out that much
(24)Today’s expression
(25)I think it’s about 80.9 million won
(26)What happens if you suddenly take an X-ray in the US
(27)I think it’s going to be 1 won because I have Medicare insurance for the elderly, but it’s 100,000 won
(28)Without a reservation
(29)Seeing a doctor right away, taking an X-ray, and getting a diagnosis
(30)Coz non-senior garden
(31)In the U.S., it’s only possible in the emergency room
(32)Mrs. Rohee left the hospital
(33)Song bi-gab heart
(34)He’s afraid it’s going to cost him a lot
(35)How much did it come out? Read the receipt
(36)colon polypectomy
(37)29,000 won. Then 27 dollars
(38)a definite internal investigation
(39)even if it’s true
(41)twenty-seven dollars
(42)I’m not lying!
(43)I’m serious. What do you talking about!
(44)Seoul Samsung Medical School
(45)Sona Agricultural Bureau
(46)I did it! That’s
(47)2nd floor of Samsung Medical School, Seoul →
(48)eJoeun Dental Clinic
(49)- Nanum Pharmacy
(50)That’s why I paid more
(51)So even without insurance…without insurance
(52)lose one’s prize
(53)I can’t believe it
(54)I met the doctor, got a diagnosis, and took an X-ray
(55)Without a reservation!
(56)Visit on the day without reservation!
(57)Move to Korea!
(58)be lost in
(59)Mrs. Rohee can’t keep her mouth shut by such amazing reality lol
(60)And look, there’s one drugstore in the water
(61)a prescription group for hospitals and clinics
(62)Just walk to the pharmacy
(63)George the prescription for hospitals and clinics
(64)It’s always connected
(65)In Korea, you can finish looking for a pharmacy at the hospital at once
(66)There’s no waiting line
(67)nasal and joint health
(68)U.S. pharmacies have to wait a long drive-through
(69)Children’s health
(70)Ve and joint health
(71)You keep comparing me to the US lol
(72)Today’s four
(73)lose one’s daydreaming
(74)Without complicated procedures, I kindly listen to the pharmacist’s explanation
(75)It’s so cool to receive medicine
(76)a mountain disappears
(77)Anyway, how do you feel about visiting the hospital국So how was your experience
(78)It was amazing!
(79)Anyway, how do you feel about visiting a Korean hospital
(80)Mrs. Rohee is like that all day long
(81)You complimented me on how amazing it was

You look really surprised

Let’s follow the example of advanced medical care. Privatization. Privatization

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