I have a lot of concerns about missing promotions at a large company

I have a lot of concerns about missing promotions at a large company

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I have a lot of concerns about missing promotions at a large company

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(1)Isn’t it better? The more you get promoted, the more pressure you have to quit
(2)Mystery 00 2022-07-111308 IP 22338198
(3)The company that kicks me out in 40 seconds is too much. I’m in the middle of working class
(4)Hankuri 2022-07-111309 IP 1981645
(5)Don’t think about it uselessly and just hang in there. If you think you’re going to quit the company and attack a cafe and forget about 100 million a year, you can think that you earn 200 million a year
(6)Palad, if you’re not there, you don’t know “My junior got promoted faster than me, he was having a hard time with me, and people looked at me and thought people from other departments had already been promoted, so I talked about other positions, and actually, if I didn’t look at it, I could endure it.” But it’s not easy to endure that much I don’t think there’s anyone who can hold out for three times

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