My grandmother gave me food while I was tutoring

My grandmother gave me food while I was tutoring

image text translation

(1)National phone calls from the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) were avoided by Jojo Mozzina
(2)Easy five
(3)”Ham, 213 mock exams for 3 years”
(4)2024 1100459 18k made
(5)Electronic Physics 1
(6)Curse Civil Service English
(7)Yesterday, I missed my grandmother’s food, which suddenly came to mind while looking for pictures, so many people were heartbroken to think that just looking at a few pictures is like my heart. I will definitely visit her When (G)I-DLE finishes their final exams
(8)I uploaded it
(9)Not only do I think about it, but he also gave me a package of kimchi, side dishes, various kinds of kimchi, seasoned vegetables, and fruits after class
(10)The student entered the department he wanted to graduate school^^ One episode suddenly came to mind that my grandmother gave me a sandwich that day, so I thought it was a strawberry jam-coated sandwich and liked it^^ It turns out that this is the first picture and the second picture
(12)My grandmother cried on the last week of school in November last yearㅠㅜ I was also crying so much. Thinking about it again, I’m shedding tears
(14)Even though I roughly organized the pictures, there were more than 300 picturesLet’s wrap up with part 2♡ Grandma, please stay healthy for a long time and I will visit you again to eat dinner ♡


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