image text translation
(1)this visual world
(2)Israeli Prime Minister’s son is an exception to the exception
(3)Men’s volleyball OK Financial Group KB Insurance won a come-from-behind victory after a full-set battle
(4)Israel’s Prime Minister’s Son, 32, to Call Up Reserves
(5)Women’s volleyball GS Caltex IBK Industrial Bank drove in three consecutive losses and won two consecutive games
(6)Living in Florida, USA since the beginning of this year
(7)Prime Minister’s son accuses him of abandoning his country
(8)Wony 30 points and 17 rebounds for three consecutive wins in the opening game, missing SK Sono’s consecutive losses in professional basketball
(9)While I was guarding the front, the prime minister’s son was on the beach in the United States
My son is in the U.S., so it’s okay
It’s one by one