Korean actor jpg drinks Italian iced coffee and gives compliments

Korean actor jpg drinks Italian iced coffee and gives compliments

image text translation

(1)”Great”, “ID”, 7:40pm
(2)Oh, no
(3)The Great Guide, 7:40pm tonight
(4) I’ll ask if you have any
(5)We usually don’t drink
(6)I’ll order it on my own
(7)”The Great Kaid and the Great Kaid” at 7:40 p.m
(8)This is ice 11
(10)Do you put ice in it
(11)ice-free iced americano
(12)You don’t drink iced Americano
(13)Great guide, 7:40pm tonight
(14)I eat shakurato in the summer
(15)The Great Guide at 7:40 p.m. tonight
(16)The Great Guide at 7:40 p.m. tonight
(17)Great guide, 7:40pm tonight
(18)More than 2 shots of espress
(19)With cocktail shakers
(20)If you shake it excitedly
(21)A great guide!
(22)WeGuide, at 7:40pm today, “Daehan”
(23)Italian style
(24)Cold coffee sake latte is complete
(25)The Italians
(26)a favorite summer coffee
(27)Wow, this is really good
(28)It’s Italy’s coffee country
(29)Great Kai, 7:40pm tonight
(30)The Great Guide is at 7:40pm tonight
(31)It’s not just sweet
(32)It’s a bit humid and nice
(33)It was shocking
(34)It was so good
(35)”Great Guide” at 7:40pm tonight
(36)You can think of it as Go Gyu-pil The Hunt Go-O-class version


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