image text translation
(1)Solo Police Propofol Habitually Dose Movie Actors Banned From Departure
(2)Registration 202302082124 Amendment 202302082226
(3)Reporter Jeon Jung-won
(4)under investigation by the agency
The investigation into Yoo Ah-in began in December 2022
The first report was on February 8th
image text translation
(1)Toddler Hemp → Propofol Positive Soon, Police Summoning Agency Attorneys Comprehensive Response
(2)Transmission of Sports Chosun Article 2023-02-232345 Final Amendment 2023-02-232357
(3)Perspective Pick
(4)Sports Chosun
It was reported that Yoo Ah-in was in fact
only eight months ago
It was yesterday that a popular celebrity was robbed of drugs
I can’t stand it. I can’t stand it