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I cried breathtakingly when I saw the gift letter from my oldest brother


I cried breathtakingly when I saw the gift letter from my oldest brother

image text translation

(1)I was bullied at work, but I quit, and I broke up my marriage
(2)I didn’t even go out because I had anxiety and depression
(3)I cried while holding my breath for the time my eldest brother reported the gift he left in front of the door earlier
(4)Letters, notebooks, pocket money, nutritional supplements
(5)My oldest brother… My dad died early
(6)He’s like a dad who came back alive To the point of being unrealistic
(7)So, I want to brag about my big brother
(8)I don’t have a place to talk, so I want to brag like this
(9)I felt for the first time in my life that I wanted to brag about something
(10)In the past, I would have laughed, but I just cried
(11)Every time I breathe, my head is shaking like it feels like it’s going to break
(12)But since I calmed down, I became happy
(13)To have a big brother who’s studying for my anxiety depression
(14)Thank you tearfully

I cried breathtakingly when I saw the gift letter from my oldest brother

image text translation

(1)Anxiety in the head will be transferred by hand to this notebook and will move your mind to the ground by stepping on the ground with your feet. Finally, wash your anxiety and send it down to the sewer. Anxiety is affected by gravity
(2)Head > Hands > Foot > Sewer
(3)※ Never put anxiety in your head!

I cried breathtakingly when I saw the gift letter from my oldest brother

image text translation

(1)ㅏ I think it’s time to rest
(2)We need time to do nothing
(3)I’m sorry I’m not good at talking, so I can’t comfort you in case you make a mistake
(4)I searched all day about depressive anxiety, read books, and studied what others did for a few days. I would have gone to Seoul National University
(5)He’s lying down because he wants to see the whole person standing down from the sky
(6)If you look at it from the top, it’s a long exclamation point where you can only see the other person’s head and the whole thing!
(7)When you want to rest more and wake up slowly
(8)No matter how long it takes, I’ll wait
(9)Just don’t forget that you’re within reach of me
(10)There is an abbreviation for “I love you”
(11)I love you no matter what ♡

I cried breathtakingly when I saw the gift letter from my oldest brother

image text translation

(2)A lot of consent is needed to define it as a failure
(3)<1> I agree
(4)<2> Five years, ten years from now, I agree
(5)<3> The consent of those who contributed to my birth
(6)<4> the consent of one’s loved one
(7)All consent forms are required to take effect
(8)First off, I’m always 1
(9)When you fall into the mud flat, don’t panic. Lie down and look at the sky
(10)roll one’s feet out like pedaling a bicycle
(11)to spread the weight by increasing the surface area
(12)Looking up at the sky often and taking it easy is my daily survival posture
(13)Let’s look up at the sky!
(14)There are times when you lower your head. Don’t rush. If you lift it slowly, you agree that you can do it every time you lower your head. Even if you nod with a time difference, you nod
(15)Even if I don’t remember the name of the main character in the movie that came to me
(16)The impression of that time remains the same
(17)I don’t remember a lot of extras and detailed settings, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have them. They let go of what needs to be leaked and just a few important scenes remain a masterpiece to meLet’s let go of the unimportant thing!

I cried breathtakingly when I saw the gift letter from my oldest brother

image text translation

(1)The trend of the times is bound to move forward
(2)We decided to consider the behavior that goes back in time as an insult
(3)It’s about being an anachronistic person
(4)He gave the honor of challenging innovation, passion, passion, and spirit to go back in time, but it was only a sneering that it was a retrograde mistake
(5)Let’s kick the bed and get up!
(6)The person who gets clapped has to react
(7)The person who claps is the main character of action
(8)I decided to accept it
(9)Let’s be the main character!

I cried breathtakingly when I saw the gift letter from my oldest brother

image text translation

(1)Megadose D
(2)Negative emotions in Korea —
(3)Let’s cut off happiness short
(4)You’re going to use it for a long time
(5)I get influenced
(6)mel > in hand > sewer

I cried breathtakingly when I saw the gift letter from my oldest brother

image text translation

(1)Bepple ㅇ20231024 0046
(2)You’re such a great person. You can endure a person like that forever
(3)Vaplea 202310240910
(4)It feels like I’m consoled, too. I’m sure you’ll be really happy!!!! Cheer up!!!!!!
(5)BAFFLE ㅇ 202310240838
(6)He’s a man, but he’s so good at handwriting. How could he be so meticulous? I’m so blessed to have such a good brother by my side even though my father died early I hope you can get rid of your hardships and be happy Thanks to you, I’m getting a good feeling from the morning
(7)20th Year of Bepple 202310240834
(8)나도 우느라 댓글을 못쓰겠네 ㅠㅠ 쓰니 큰오빠 같은 사람 꼭 만나요 ㅠㅠ
(9)BAFFLE ㅇ 202310240911
(10)Wow, even though that’s not what you said to me, it touches my heart so muchㅜㅜIt’s also crying. You must be happy to have an older brother like that!! It’s not the advice you gave me, but I’ll have to think about it in my diary and let the weight of my heart flow down to the ground as I walk!! Bitter, always be happy with your big brother and other family members!


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