I caught an electric thief at a cafe. Season 2

I caught an electric thief at a cafe. Season 2

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I caught an electric thief at a cafe. Season 2

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I caught an electric thief at a cafe. Season 2

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I caught an electric thief at a cafe. Season 2

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I caught an electric thief at a cafe. Season 2

image text translation

I caught an electric thief at a cafe. Season 2

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I caught an electric thief at a cafe. Season 2

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I caught an electric thief at a cafe. Season 2

image text translation

I caught an electric thief at a cafe. Season 2

image text translation

Whether it’s an electric thief or a son

I ordered 2,000 won worth of coffee

I don’t know if this is an office or a cafe

I can see that the ice has melted

I think he’s been sitting down for at least 3 hours

It’s not a son. It’s a legitimate thief

Development works well when you smoke

It’s not just Kagong

The developers at the cafe are no joke

The kids who work at the cafe

Most of them have Python Java on

Why do you code the framework at a cafe

Not alone, but as a team

If you’re going to do a team project, you’re going to have an office room

or borrow time to use it

Write Git and make video calls or remote

Do some work at home


I caught an electric thief at a cafe. Season 2
image text translation

(1)It’s a group, but if it’s like that, they’re cafe acquaintances or pay for it
(2)I think he rented a place
(3)eini 0819 report
(4)→ You’re saying something new. The public likes this commentNo, I’ll mark it and judge
(5)Reporter Kim’s diary 0820 report

Additional 2

I caught an electric thief at a cafe. Season 2
image text translation

(1)And the reason why I installed the outlet is
(2)They’re curious about the reason

And don’t use media photos as you please

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