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Controversy over a three-month salary cut for tattoo officials


Controversy over a three-month salary cut for tattoo officials

image text translation

(1)Seoul Regional Military Manpower Administration
(2)Controversy over three-month pay cuts for tattooing and piercing government officials
(3)Controversy over disciplinary action against tattooing and piercing public officials
(4)Park Shin-hee, an official at the Military Manpower Administration
(5)I thought about how to express myself
(6)I thought tattoos and piercings were a good form, so I wanted to do them since I was young
(7)Three months of salary reduction in violation of the obligation to maintain dignity and obey orders
(8)The Nation of the People, Just Korea
(9)a better government than the Seoul Military Manpower Administration
(10)Receive recipient reference
(11)Title: Appointment of personnel appointment
(12)Dongwon Call and Administrative Secretariat
(13)Three months’ salary reduction pursuant to Article 78 (1) 1 and 3 of the National Public Officials Act
(14)Part 16 of 2020
(15)The end of the Seoul Regional Military Manpower Administration
(16)Restrictions on Promotion before non-annual notice of salary reduction of 13
(17)Reasons for disposition for 3 months of salary reduction
(18)Violation of the obligation to maintain dignity in 2018
(19)Data Personnel Innovation Department
(20)There’s no legal basis for not getting tattoos…excessive disciplinary action
(21)civil administration of a contract
(22)date of appointment
(23)Article 1 Above Objectives
(24)Administrative litigation for revocation of disciplinary action First trial Constitutional litigation
(25)Delegate the delegated affairs and import the right person
(26)The limit of delegation work delegated by the party to Article 2 to B is limited to the relevant level of trial, and the revocation of the counterclaim
(27)the dismissal of a case
(28)The case in which A was sent to the law firm Tehran Lee Ha-eul in the case of the above indication
(29)Filing by a think tank, compulsory execution seizure, collection, suspension of execution, preservation, or
(30)Paragraph C shall be separately determined by Article 3, Scope 1, All Litigation Acts, Sculpture 2, Counterclaim, and Reconciliation Agreement in the Trial of Hongso 3
(31)Or the head of the Regional Military Manpower Administration
(32)In the case of a preservation disposition, an objection or cancellation shall be a separate delegation affair
(34)five phases
(35)Application and withdrawal 6 Appointment of a double agent 7 Withdrawal by participation in the waiver and acceptance of the claim 8 cases
(36)nine balls
(37)Procedure for requesting the return of the deposit to the south and receiving 10 security rights
(38)Abandonment of the right to appeal against the decision to cancel the same receipt, 11, receipt of dividends, 12, application for objection to dividends, etc. are concerned with incidental procedures
(39)spend on
(40)Initiation fee upon establishment of the delegation contract
(41)The 2nd Gam arbitrarily cancels this delegation contract or is responsible for the negative
(42)A refund can be requested for the resistance deposit
(43)Processing of the highest security cancellation agreement
(44)under paragraph (1) of
(45)six million
(46)common to the amount of
(48)You’re not a public servant. You’re a human being I just put some pictures on my body…to

Controversy over a three-month salary cut for tattoo officials

image text translation

(1)Hey, that’s too much

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