A famous Tanghulu company in Korea uses personal blog photos without permission

A famous Tanghulu company in Korea uses personal blog photos without permission

image text translation

(1)Hwang Sewoon sells imported fruits online
(2)Specific user
(3)Electronic Input
(4)daily fax
(5)Share to
(6)Additional photos with black sapphire on sale of PC background chemicals
(7)Cloud Photo ^
(8)30 Objects
(10)Product video
(11)wall paper
(12)D Network
(13)8 Items
(14)I took a sample photo of the product, promoted it, and collected data
(15)Last month, I went to a Tanghulu restaurant that’s popular these days
(16)○ Tanghulu that’s not sticky!!!
(17)○ A thin layer of sugar coating
(18)Sweet crispy~ Strawberry washing ok
(19)I found a picture that I think I’ve seen somewhere
(20)I took this picture as soon as I saw it
(21)I thought, “Why are you here?”
(22)A sample that Hwang took two years ago
(23)The number of fruits and the water droplet on the fruit are the same
(24)Put this on and the background is white…
(25)N Reservation Benefits >
(26)Author required – Not allowed to use for-profit – content not changed
(27)Ear grapes #Black grapes
(28)#Witch Grapes #Saffa
(29)Grapes #high-sugar fruits #sweet grapes #sweet
(30)It says not to use it without permission
(31)But there’s a company that runs 400 franchises across the country
(32)It was used for commercial purposes
(33)Author’s Statement Mandatory – Not For-profit Useable – No Content Change
(34)It’s marked so that you can’t use it without permission
(35)I made a complaint over the phone, but he denied it happened
(36)This picture is used in Tanghulu
(37)520 p.m
(38)He said he filmed it
(39)This is the original photo that I took myself
(41)I thought if I acknowledge it, it’ll be over
(42)I think it matches the position of the water droplets on the surface of the egg, the flesh, and the grape and the kernel
(43)I’m going to do a photoshop and I’m going to put it on my head
(44)I think it’s from the frame. Water drops up on the flesh
(45)explicitly-administered Y-Main
(46)I’m not sure if I’m not sure about it’s true
(49)I beg you.
(50)He has such a bad attitude
(51)Chang Sun-soo Chang Sung-soo, managing director of the Ministry of Commerce
(52)a company that held out with ignorance
(53)I apologized when the reporters presented the data
(54)It’s the same for ordinary people
(55)a Tanghulu company official
(56)I think I downloaded it to fill in the empty parts
(57)The copyright of a weak individual is also important

a magical word

when the coverage began

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