Translation real-time Turkish fans’ reactions to Kim Minjae.jpg

Translation real-time Turkish fans' reactions to Kim Minjae.jpg

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(3)I think Kim Minjae is a normal center back
(4)Two years ago, however, Yahovic was seen shooting from the right and passing from the left several times in the same game
(5)October 25, 2023, 230 AM, 56 views

Translation real-time Turkish fans' reactions to Kim Minjae.jpg

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(3)Kim Minjae is not the Kim Minjae we know
(4)October 25, 2023, 233 AM, 11 views

Translation real-time Turkish fans' reactions to Kim Minjae.jpg

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(3)Aspor Commentator Kim Min-jae, the world’s best defender, scored a very amateur penalty
(4)October 25, 2023, 233 AM, 544 views
(5)8. I like it

Disappointed in real time

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