image text translation
(1)Just one touch
(2)Automatic cup!
(3)It stops on its own
(4)I pressed it one more time to stop. TT
(5)asking for more
(6)I’m sorry
(7)Water purifier is a little stupid
image text translation
(1)Lol. Lol It’s something I saw often in newspaper articles
(2)Picture type 2
(3)The man is a female character 2023-10-14 1334267470
(4)Best 2
(5)Every time I see it, I don’t write it down based on people who don’t know how to use it, but on the contrary, I think he’s considerate to write down the water purifier as stupid and lift the customer up. You move 6 times
(6)Recommendation reply
(7)Jajawa 2023-10-14 133156
(8)If one person doesn’t lose, it can be an individual problem, but if many people do it wrong, it’s a problem with the system. When a problem like that occurs while dealing with a customer, everyone who comes to think, “What’s wrong with you?” If you think that only people are coming, you’ll be doomed. If we think that there’s a problem and deal with it, we’ll have to survive lol