image text translation
(1)Top 200 Market cap based on DART 2022 business report
(2)Organize and post the school where the executives came from
(3)Different companies have different notation, so some may be missing
(4)I personally organized it, so please refer to it
(5)1 Overall standards for executives
(1)Hankuk University of Foreign Studiesimage text translation
(1)University of Seoulimage text translation
The materials are from the blog perm for each and every one of you
If you work well or get good results and play politics well, it’s not even Seoul National University
“Why are you so good?” I don’t say that
If it’s ambiguous, there are a lot of cases where you become a SNU student
But if you look at the executives who are weird in their company life, there are a lot of different schools
I’m on the side
regardless of political connections
Of course, you have to do your job well, and you have to be calm
If you’re a workaholic as much as the founder
Most of them won’t be able to do it
When I look at the executives’ work and life balance, they’re so silly