a completely disobedient monster

There’s a legend in ancient China about a monster named Dool, and this is what it’s about it

a completely disobedient monster
a completely disobedient monstera completely disobedient monsterDoole is a monster with a tiger’s body on his head, covered with fur all over his body, long sharp fangs sticking out like wild boars in his mouth, and had a long tail of one man, three meters long, and he had a terrible tenacity to fight someone once he started fighting, never running away

Also, Dool was so stubborn that he was called Nanhun 難訓, which means it was difficult to teach because he never listened to what others said and ignored everything

This is a side story, but it’s just a feeling that when you look at Doall’s explanation, you think of a person who spends 59 minutes talking to himself during an hour of conversation and gets angry about why he’s trying to teach me if someone else tries to tell you something

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