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(2)44 doctors who self-prescribed drugs 50 times a year…Maintaining a license despite fentanyl addiction
(3)Disclosure of Audit and Inspection Ministry’s Audit Results…There are also 170 doctors treated for dementia and schizophrenia
(4)Unlicensed treatment during license cancellation or suspension…Disqualifying medical personnel by the Ministry of Health and Welfare are neglected
(1)There’s no case of revoking a medical license revokedimage text translation
(2)According to the Board of Audit and Inspection, drug addiction is a reason for canceling a medical worker’s license, but two doctors and one nurse with a history of treatment and protection due to fentanyl and fetchedin addiction are currently maintaining their medical license
(3)From 2018 to last year, four doctors were confirmed to have administered drugs until the court trial, but they maintained their license and there were no cases of revocation of medical personnel’s license due to drug addiction
(4)The audit also confirmed that medical personnel prescribed and administered drugs on their own through the integrated drug management system
(5)From May 2018 to the end of last year, 44 doctors took more than 50 prescriptions and medications per year, and 12 of them reached more than 100 times per year
(6)16,000 medical practices by specialists treated for schizophrenia for more than 3 years
(7)According to the Board of Audit and Inspection, mental illness is also subject to medical license cancellation, but 102 people with dementia and 70 people with schizophrenia have been confirmed to have been treated for mental illness since 2020
(8)An otolaryngologist was found to have performed at least 16,840 medical practices for 37 months while receiving schizophrenia treatment, and one psychiatrist was found to have performed 6,345 medical practices for 38 months of dementia treatment
(9)The only case of cancellation of a license for a mental illness was a voluntary report of schizophrenia by one nurse in 2017
(10)Medical personnel conducting medical treatment while undergoing administrative measures such as revocation of license or suspension of qualification is subject to punishment as it is an unlicensed medical practice under the Medical Law
(11)However, as a result of the Board of Audit and Inspection’s investigation, it was confirmed that 264 doctors who received administrative dispositions for violating the medical law secretly performed non-payment treatment during the period of license cancellation and suspension, including about 3,600 drug prescriptions
(12)The Ministry of Health and Welfare also criticized the Board of Audit and Inspection in October 2019 for its medical practice during the suspension of medical personnel’s qualifications, and the Board of Audit and Inspection criticized that such behavior did not improve until this year, well after three years