image text translation
(1)a letter of 願 that does not allowances for parole
(2)I don’t want parole
(3)Parole is a clear light in correctional facilities
(4)We’ll select a target from among the prisoners who meet the requirements, and we’ll send them to the Ministry of Justice
(5)It says that you are applying for an examination, according to the manual published by the Correctional Headquarters
(6)I have already told Changwon Prison several times that it is an unacceptable requirement for me, who has pleaded not guilty since the beginningNevertheless, regardless of my intention, the application for parole examination is causing unnecessary misunderstanding, so let me clarify once again. I do not want parole2022 12 7
(7)Kim Kyung-soo Kim Kyung-soo
The one who’s going to make a big deal