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Scary lady-in-law.jpg


Scary lady-in-law.jpg

image text translation

(1)〈 If you post bad comments, it’s going to be ridiculous. Watch it on the app cafe
(2)Apply on S Socar App >
(3)Three seconds. Mini pop ash
(4)If you apply every day, your chance of winning will increase
(5)Let’s feed rotten ginger to Hannam insects who want to kill interest in scraps
(6)Women, women who don’t want to live because of Abby, come in
(7)One woman has the best stomach. 2304043172
(8)Comments 14
(9)the women’s age

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(1)If you eat rotten ginger
(2)Hepatocellular destruction can lead to liver cancer
(3)Safrol doesn’t dissolve in water
(4)It doesn’t go away even if you boil it

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(1)The one who eats it
(2)If you eat rotten ginger
(3)Hepatocellular destruction can lead to liver cancer
(5)Safrc of Safrc
(6)Designated by the Food and Drug Administration as a raw material for narcotics

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(1)I’ll think about it and eat it
(2)Therefore, you should never eat rotten ginger
(3)If you put rotten ginger well, put it in water, boil it, and feed it steadily to Hannam Chungs, you will get liver cancer and search for it ^^
(4)The rotting part of ginger is cut out, cleaned, cleaned, and boiled with water. Fungal saprol and aflatoxyl from rotten ginger are already classified as first-class carcinogens in most countries
(5)In the UK, 100,000 turkeys have been discarded for fungal toxicity because of this

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(1)Cancer insurance little by little in front of Hannam Chung and rotten ginger hand
(2)Boil water after boiling it with water ^^77 If you don’t want to eat it because of the smell or taste of ginger, put it in honey or sugar
(3)The hospital can’t find the cause of liver cancer even if you eat this and search for it
(4)Hannam people drink every day and they’re going to get cancer anyway because of cigarettes How happy would I be to start anew by cosplaying with extreme care and receiving cancer insurance compensation
(5)Then even if your husband dies, Shibushmo has nothing to say
(6)I want to give it to Abby Choong, who made me live alone, while cosplaying my filial daughter Then my mom and I will be happy
(7)Here’s a tip on how to make ginger rot
(8)Leave it in a humid place During the rainy season in summer, when you buy ginger and put it out, or store it in the storage or refrigerator, if there is too much moisture, it will rot easily^^77 Save your bookmark!!

Scary lady-in-law.jpg

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(1)A woman seems to have the best stomach. Author 230404
(2)I’m not going to get married, so I’ll put the insurance money in front of me
(3)I’m going to give Gabby

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