How did the cast of Tourette’s syndrome make you cry

How did the cast of Tourette's syndrome make you cry

image text translation

(1)The main character of the special episode, “The main character of the main character
(2)The show will be aired on Monday at 8:30pm
(3)Who is it
(4)·Who made the sound
(5)A special episode about the performers
(6)Tourette’s syndrome patient who dreamed of happiness is on air at 8:30 p.m. on Monday
(7)How to live a happy life with Tourette’s syndromeAsk me anything
(8)Dreaming of a happy life
(9)a patient with chronic Tourette syndrome
(10)It’s so hard to live. 10.15 million views 3 years ago
(11)You have 10.15 million views
(12)the hero of all-time pardons
(13)A special episode about the performers
(14)Monday night at 8:30pm
(15)I’m Trezgu!
(16)a patient with two syndromes who dreamed of happiness
(17)I do voice ticks and exercise ticks repeatedly
(18)Topical cast: A Tourette Syndrome patient who dreamed of happiness
(19)his much-needed troubles
(20)The show will be aired on Monday at 8:30pm
(21)It feels like a devil’s curse
(22)Tourette syndrome
(23)The show will be aired on Monday at 8:30pm
(24)A word I repeated
(25)I’m sorry
(26)a Tourette syndrome patient who dreamed of happiness
(27)a fortune teller turned into a sea of tears
(28)With the stories that I made
(29)Topical cast. What’s up? Dreaming of happiness
(30)Tourette’s syndrome patient Dunborn Monday at 8:30 p.m
(31)He looked so sad
(32)A special episode about the performers
(33)It’s on air at 8:30 PM
(34)I’ll come back with a bright look
(35)Tourette’s disease that dreamed of happiness after the patient
(36)It’s improved a lot now
(37)a patient with Tourette’s syndrome
(38)I used to have really bad voice tics
(39)a patient with two symptoms who dreamed of happiness
(40)a trip to the country
(41)Eventually, the neck surgery goes on
(42)A special collection of the recent episodes of the cast
(43)Tourette patient syndrome that dreamed of happiness
(45)due to nerve damage
(46)I couldn’t even straighten my fingers easily
(47)a hot topic of conversation
(48)I’ll show you how much healthier I’ve become
(49)Transfusion Jarrett’s
(50)It’s gone now
(51)dreamt of
(52)I did! I gave you a lot
(53)How are the performers
(54)It’s on Monday, 8:30 PM
(55)If you don’t say it first
(56)3 I don’t know at all
(57)We’re going to talk about how we’re doing
(59)I’m feeling better now
(60)I’m working!
(62)You can live like a normal person
(63)I’m going to talk about how I’ve been on the show you how I’ve been doing
(64)It’s on Monday at 8:30 PM
(65)Du feels like I’m in the moody
(66)The Tourette syndrome patient I dreamed of
(67)a collection of poems
(68)The show will be aired on Monday, 8:30 PM
(69)Go ahead and tell me
(70)How did we meet
(71)A special episode about
(72)After the show in March 2020
(74)e-mails that I want to support
(75)Thank you, but I’ll just accept your heart
(76)How are the cast members doing
(77)I couldn’t even walk on my legs because I didn’t have enough strength
(78)a hot topic of the town
(79)Do it
(80)Your legs must hurt
(81)Tourette, who dreamed of happiness
(82)It wasn’t even easy to exercise
(83)a hot topic of the town
(84)a dreamy Tourette syndrome
(85)in sports-related work
(86)a girlfriend who worked for me
(87)”A place where you can exercise.”
(88)I’ll lend it to you
(89)The relationship we formed while working out together
(90)It’s been more than 3 years since we met
(91)The two syndrome patients who dreamed of happiness at 8:30 p.m. on Monday
(92)That’s a thank you thing these days
(93)There’s no cure for Tourette’s syndrome
(94)Monday night at 8:30pm
(95)I’m afraid my symptoms will get worse
(96)the first topic of conversation
(97)I’m afraid Tourette’s syndrome is going to get worse
(98)Even if the symptoms get worse
(99)I’m afraid that the hot topic of conversation is going to get worse
(100)You can get through it
(101)What’s the latest episode of the show
(102)I’m afraid of it
(103)If you try as hard as you do now
(104)The show will be aired on Monday at 8PM
(105)The nose
(106)The same situation
(107)Think again
(108)What’s the latest episode of the show
(109)Monday at 8:30pm
(110)So I hope you enjoy the present and enjoy happiness rather than worry
(112)A man who has many wishes to be a happy Gunhee in the axis of the field
(113)What’s the latest episode of the latest episode
(114)We’ll always cheer for you, too
(115)Thank you for your support
(116)Stay healthy, everyone
(117)I hope you’re happy!
(118)Three years ago, because of a YouTuber with Tourette’s syndrome
(119)I remember I had a harder time
(120)My symptoms have improved a lot now and I was able to meet my current girlfriend thanks to the Ask Goddess.ㅠㅠㅠ


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