How to make your children study well. Legendary

How to make your children study well. Legendary

image text translation

(1)You can go to high school even if you want to
(2)I didn’t have a high school
(3)My grades are so poor in high school
(4)one’s first son who didn’t even go to school
(5)The god of study, the middle school graduate, three rich people
(6)be in poor family circumstances Looking at it
(7)I can’t afford private education right now
(8)I couldn’t even attend an academy due to my family’s difficulties
(9)But a few years later
(10)Dal is the god of studying. He’s a middle school graduate and a rich man
(11)98 points in Korean, 100 points in math, 100 points in English
(12)I got 48 out of 50 Chinese characters
(13)This son
(14)I got 390 out of 400 on my math ability test
(15)I entered Seoul National University Business Administration
(16)My name is Jeong Si-ga
(17)College of Arts and Sports
(18)the undergraduate department and the department of theater and film
(19)Test Number
(20)Second, I passed my major
(21)My second son was also in middle school
(22)I entered Hanyang University as a senior
(23)o The god of study, the third richest person in middle school
(24)Seoul National University
(25)Two sons who almost gave up studying in middle school
(26)How did you get into a prestigious university with excellent grades
(27)I wonder if I was able to get into the school
(28)I didn’t study very well
(29)I’ll study you, Xion They did
(30)The secret of their two sons is that they’re going to have to learn from a special tutor
(31)It’s thanks to the lessons I got
(32)The god of study, the middle school graduate, three rich people
(33)I went to my two children, and the teacher was my father’s
(34)I couldn’t send it to the academy because of the difficult family situation
(35)He hit his two sons himself
(36)to the god of study, the middle class, the three rich
(37)Studying English Listening
(38)But my father is now in the profession
(39)I wasn’t even a professional tutor
(40)My father only graduated from middle school
(41)At construction sites or gas stations
(42)You were employed in a simple labor position
(43)I study for 5 to 6 hours a day
(44)I did it for about 10 hours when I did a lot
(45)A father like that studies again over his sons
(46)I started. I spent a few hours a day studying for the college entrance exam and blew it
(47)I told my son what I had studied
(48)I’ve reviewed it more than 100 times and deleted it
(49)I didn’t understand it at first, so I had to read it over a hundred times, and I understood it when I tried it at work
(50)the same book
(53)The insanity goes when you get off work!
(54)When I go to work, I say, “A crazy person comes!”
(55)People around him even called him a psycho, as he studied without attempt
(56)o The god of study, the third richest person in middle school
(57)I’m confident I’ll get at least 39 points
(58)I think I should get that much
(59)But I didn’t betray this old age
(60)He got one question wrong in the mock test for the college entrance exam in front of the production team, the master of life, and proved his skills confidently
(61)First son Labor Lord
(62)”If my father hadn’t let me study, I would have been able to
(63)I don’t think it’s a school I couldn’t go to with the help of my school father, let alone the Seoul battalion
(64)I’m thinking about the golden rule
(65)o The god of study, the third richest person in middle school
(66)Father Roh Tae-kwon
(67)I couldn’t study because I was running on the construction site after graduation I studied alone because I felt sorry for that, and I thought I should teach my sons who couldn’t study. “Gak” Middle School
(69)to the god of study. Three rich middle school graduates
(70)Sves News
(71)I studied my two sons who didn’t get to high school at a prestigious university, and it was my father’s love for you
(72)The special sons who made me go to school
(73)that is.
(74)Intern Kim Young-joon, who organized the project


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