image text translation
(1)Topic > Something and Love
(2)Small and medium-sized businesses
(3)National Police Agency j
(4)He asked me to call him when I was waiting for my friend while drinking coffee
(5)But it’s my first time seeing a company, so I searched it and found it was a small and medium
(6)If you’re going to do it with a business card, you have to do it with the companies in the blinds
(7)I’ve gotten business cards a few times in my life, but it’s the first one for a small business
(8)Even if I spray it like this, I don’t think I’ll contact even one person lol. ^^
(9)As soon as I knew it was a small business, I crumpled the bottle and threw it away
image text translation
(1)Korea Railroad Corporation –
(2)Business card hunting is a bit… Small and medium-sized businesses
(3)Author of National Police Agency j
(4)I can’t believe it
(5)Seoul Metropolitan Government
(6)Can I do it
(7)Police Department – Author of j
(8)If I’m handsome, I’ll think about it
(9)a new company
(10)I took the courage to give it to him, but it’s pathetic to write something like this
(11)Author of the National Police Agency
(12)Then you should have been handsome
You’re trying to cook this. You must have had courage to hand over your business card