The wife who murdered her husband after suffering domestic violence…檢 Remain suspended on appeal

The wife who murdered her husband after suffering domestic violence...檢 Remain suspended on appeal

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(1)a man who murdered his husband after suffering domestic violence
(2)Remain suspended on my 檢 appeal
(3)Input 20231016 AM 643 Articles
(4)Reporter Noh Ki-seop: TALK
(5)one street
(6)A photo of the court’s symbol installed inside the court, Yonhap News
(7)Young child if the Defendant is detained in Ulsan Court of Busan High Court
(8)Expect difficulties in growth

The wife who murdered her husband after suffering domestic violence...檢 Remain suspended on appeal

image text translation

(1)The Busan High Court’s Ulsan Tribunal’s Criminal Division 1 High Court Judge Son Chul-woo is flesh
(2)The court announced on the 16th that it rejected the prosecutor’s appeal against A in his 30s, who was put on trial on charges of humanity, and maintained the court ruling that suspended the execution of the prison sentence
(3)According to the court, A was indicted on charges of wielding a weapon at her home in Yangsan, Gyeongsangnam-do, in July last year, wounding her husband, B, in his 30s, and pressing her face with bedding to death. It was revealed that A secretly rode sleeping pills in a drink her husband was drinking before the crime It was investigated that A felt fear and anxiety after years of domestic violence by her husband and was abused by her husband who drank on the day of the crime. A turned himself in after the crime
(4)In the first trial held as a public participation trial, seven jurors unanimously gave a three-year prison sentence and a four-year suspended sentence. The first trial court sentenced the jury to probation, saying that there were circumstances to consider the motive of the crime, but the prosecutor appealed, saying the sentence was too light and that it was unfair. The appeals court refused to accept the prosecutor’s claim, saying, “I was overwhelmed with fear and became obsessed with the extreme idea that I could protect myself and my children only when my husband disappeared.”

I don’t know how many times I hit him

All the girls and girls in the room who beat them

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