unexpectedly bad habits for your eyes.jpg

unexpectedly bad habits for your eyes.jpg

image text translation

(1)Narrated by Go Eunbyul
(2)It’s a big news on social media!
(3)Turn off the dark mode. It’s not good for your eyes
(4)with a dark background and bright writing
(5)User Experience UI Design
(6)Causing myopia and astigmatism!
(7)The dark mode of the cell phone causes myopia
(8)Input 20220613 PM 1001 article text
(9)This story started with an article
(10)If we take a closer look at the content
(11)The long-term use of dark mode rather makes the eye muscles tired easily, leading to myopia
(12)I’m confused
(13)People who have been using dark mode are confused
(14)Cell phone dark mode that causes myopia
(15)I’ll live a bright life from today
(16)I’ve lived my whole life in dark mode for my eyes
(17)Jonathan 22
(18)”This is how I’ve lived”
(19)It’s a video that was filmed in the same environment by changing the theme
(20)Usually, I think it’s helpful for your eye health
(21)(22)There’s a person in charge of information
(23)Imagination of 90’s when catching aliens became a reality
(24)150,000 views. Four days ago
(25)When I watch this video, I think about it
(26)So there are a lot of people who are using dark mode on purpose
(27)The hidden money spike is 460,000
(28)There are more people
(29)But I can’t believe I can get nearsighted and astigmatism
(30)It’s a bit bewildering
(31)I’m going to tell Crab’s ophthalmology professors
(32)That’s why I asked
(33)October 2002
(34)Professor Han Jung-woo’s ophthalmology at Suncheonhyang University Bucheon Hospital
(35)Dark mode can cause nearsightedness and astigmatism
(36)Usually, if we use the dark mode, the amount of light decreases
(37)Professor Han Jung-woo’s ophthalmology at Suncheonhyang University Bucheon Hospital
(38)It takes more control of your eyes to see better
(39)Professor Park Ji-hye, if you become an ophthalmologist at Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, your pupils will expand
(40)The light is decreasing

unexpectedly bad habits for your eyes.jpg

image text translation

(1)Professor Park Jihye’s ophthalmology at Seoul National University Bundang Hospital
(2)If it’s expanded, the light in your eyes can’t gather in one place
(3)Professor Park Jihye’s ophthalmology at Seoul National University Bundang Hospital
(4)I can’t make a clear and clear image
(5)If that happens, the lens’s position in the eye moves forward
(6)It can cause myopia
(7)In an environment where myopia is induced, astigmatism can also progress
(8)I think you can tie it together
(9)Our pupils contract in bright light and expand in dark
(10)Dark mode is literally dark
(11)There’s less light in my eyes when I look at the screen
(12)the pupils dilate
(13)It’s a simplified picture for understanding
(14)It’s hard to get a prize in one place
(15)In the end, we
(16)To see more of what you can’t see
(17)I force myself to use a lot of muscles
(18)As a result
(19)adverse effects on eye health
(20)Professor Han Jung-woo’s ophthalmology at Suncheonhyang University Bucheon Hospital
(21)If we use it for a long time, it can cause myopia or astigmatism
(22)Professor Han Jung-woo Suncheonhyang University Bucheon Ophthalmology Hospital
(23)I can say that I need to be careful
(24)Lastly, when we use cell phones or computers
(25)The precautions when using it are
(26)When you use the monitor, you can see eye strain or dry eyes
(27)When I focus on the screen, my normal blinking decreases a lot
(28)I think that’s what happens
(29)Professor Park Ji-hye, it’s better to blink artificially at Seoul National University Bundang Hospital
(30)That’s why
(31)Blinking when looking at the monitor screen
(32)1 minute average blinking
(33)So, it’s time for your eyes to rest
(34)It’s important to give time
(35)The worst part is
(36)I’m using my cell phone lying face down in the dark
(37)Professor Park Jihye’s ophthalmology at Seoul National University Bundang Hospital
(38)But if the lens moves forward more and more and more
(39)Not only is it shortsighted
(40)Water in waterproof snow
(41)Waterproofing is not falling out smoothly, so the intraocular pressure rises sharply
(42)Then it can cause rust, so even the internal organs
(43)Professor Park Ji-hye must avoid ophthalmic posture at Seoul National University Bundang Hospital13420 YUK

I thought dark mode would make my eyes easier

I turned off the dark mode right after watching this

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