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world masterpieces born by sex


world masterpieces born by sex

image text translation

(1)Samuel Beckett
(2)representing the 20th century
(3)He’s the master of absurdity
(4)awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature
(5)Irish writer
(6)his masterpiece
(7)World Literature Collection 43
(8)waiting for Godot
(9)Samuel Beckett
(10)39; Waiting for Godot 39
(11)Actually, when I didn’t make progress in writing
(12)The extremely stressful baguette
(13)I threw away my writing instruments and paper
(14)All night long with the girlfriend I was dating
(15)It’s been over 10 hours
(16)after having sex
(17)Have a good night’s sleep
(18)After waking up the next afternoon
(19)I got the feeling all of a sudden that I finished it in a heartbeat
(20)the great arc of Germany
(21)Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
(22)World Literature Collection 25
(23)Young Werther’s Sadness
(24)Translated by Johan Wolfgang von Goethe Park Chan-ki
(25)39; Young Werther’s sorrow 39; Silent heartbreak
(26)with a woman who is a gentega
(27)It’s a masterpiece that was born
(28)the woman’s name
(29)39;Charlotte Buff 39;
(30)It’s the name of the heroine of young Werther’s sadness
(31)Charles Lotte was actually a real person
(32)It’s a famous anecdote, but Lotte was a big fan of the book, a group named after here
(34)The shocking fact is
(35)Lotte Buschap said
(36)That he was the wife of a Goethe friend
(37)After having an affair with her, she melted the female character in the work into the ball with her friend
(39)The desperation that Werther felt in the work was felt by his friend who was NTR, and Goethe even used a chisel to this emotional work
(41)Goethe has a lot of silver connections with people
(42)He’s famous for his creative inspiration
(43)Literary commentary on studying actual goethe has studied more about the lives of women and those who have physical relationships
(45)When I was 19
(46)26 years older than himself
(47)I had my first sex with my mom’s friend
(48)When I was 74
(49)A 19-year-old girl who is 55 years younger than me
(50)I don’t know if I’m in a relationship
(51)the great arc of France
(53)World Literature Collection 301
(54)Les Misérables 1
(55)Translated by Victor Hugo Jeong Ki-soo
(56)39;Les Misérables 39;Do
(57)I’m still in love with someone
(59)a work of birth
(60)The woman
(61)”Juliette Drouet
(62)A famous actress of her time, she had a mental and physical relationship with Le Hugo for more than 40 years
(64)Victor Weirre, while the U.S. government’s mixed creation high school was working, it was Drue who came to organize the town
(65)Ravel One
(67)Because he was his wife and never divorced until then, his relationship with Eldru was clearly an affair
(69)In addition to Drue, Hugo
(70)She had a relationship with a maid who worked at home at 80 years old and continued her life as a rascal until she died
(71)Although Hugo’s wife had an affair with his friend because of the quality of her appearance
(73)This couple won’t divorce until they die
(74)the great arc of Russia
(75)World Literature Collection 219
(76)Anna Karenina 1
(77)Translated by Ref Tolstoy Yeon Jinhee
(78)Back to the Firese Anajac Carrenina Musical!2019517-714 Blue Square Interpark Hall Girl’s
(79)a topic of conversation
(81)His signature work 39; Anna Karenina 39; the character Levine is a young man who shows Tolstoy’s own youth
(82)Tolstoy was very sexually active when he was young
(83)Her house, her mother’s friends, her neighborhood gypsy, maechunbu, etc
(84)I’ve had promiscuous sex with all kinds of women
(85)He said he regretted this all his life and cursed his uncontrollable libido
(86)This is his work
(87)built by a restaurant
(88)Sanghoon Lee transfer
(89)Bushkin House
(90)I wrote it down in 39;Memorial 39; but Tolstoy’s Memoirs was
(91)Augustine and Jacques Rousseau, the world’s top three chief of staff
(92)to be considered
(93)Ironically, To’s masterpieces were born by his promiscuous experience of sex
(95)Tolstoy is
(96)After 34 years of marriage, I had a relationship with my wife and had a stoic life
(97)Tolstoy’s natural energy and passion doesn’t go anywhere
(98)I’ve seen 13 children from your wife alone
(99)I saw the youngest at 60 years old
(100)Even at the age of 70
(101)He was so strong that he wouldn’t compete with any young men
(103)In his later years, he was working with his headquarters
(104)Tolstoy ran away from home after falling out
(105)at the age of 82
(106)at a simple Russian station
(107)death due to pneumonia
(108)representing the United States
(109)a children’s writer
(110)Shell Silverstein
(111)generously giving
(112)Written by Sel Silverstein
(113)Kim Young-moo is transferred
(114)a branch judge
(115)39;a generous tree 39; is
(116)What was born of sex with many women during the creation period
(117)Shele Silverstein was known for her job as a children’s literature writer and for her high-quality libido and temper tantrum
(118)Instead, he was very thorough in blood, so he saw only two children
(119)Says he was close to Playboy founder Hugh Hefner and was a regular guest at the party he hosted
(120)Shell Silverstein had a unique personality

world masterpieces born by sex

image text translation

(1)The picture above
(2)In the first edition of the generously giving tree
(3)Silverstein posted it himself
(4)This is a picture of the artist
(5)I took pictures like this, too
(6)If you look at the photos from his time in the military, he’s a handsome guy
(8)Adaemoon Hoyland
(9)James Joyce is
(10)after a hot sex
(12)I left a love letter
(13)James Joyce love letter 520 million won
(14)James Joyce, author of the novel Ulysses, in 1909 before his marriage
(15)Sotheby’s letter to his wife Nora Barnacle on the 8th
(16)It was sold for 240,800 pounds and 520 million won at the auction
(17)조이스가 책갈피로 꽂아둔 연애편지를 사후에 누군가 우연히 발견해
(18)It’s been revealed
(19)The contents are as follows
(20)To Nora, my beloved galbo
(21)I read your letter and wrapped my head, as I told you to a dirty young man
(22)I am so glad to see that you enjoy being poked around too
(23)Oh, yeah. It reminds me of the one we’ve been through the back hole all night
(24)It’s probably the worst sex I’ve ever had
(25)For hours, I’ve been in and out of your buttocks
(26)I was in you
(27)I’ve killed a sweaty butt that’s under my belly, I’m reminded
(28)Even the crazy eyes on your face
(29)Every time I hit you, your tongue sticks out of your lips without feeling ashamed
(30)If you hit it harder than usual, it burst out quickly. It’s thicker and more cute from your hips
(31)Honey, your back hole was full of farts that night
(32)The long wind sounds… The farts
(33)I ate you until you were a long shot out of your dung hole
(34)It’s so beautiful to eat a woman who farts every time she chews
(35)Nora I think I can recognize your fart wherever I go. Maybe fart
(36)Even if there’s a room full of girls, they’ll find you
(37)You’re a wet, wind-sounding fart like fat ladies are going to turn
(38)Everyone sounds like a girl
(39)Just like a bold girl playing around in the school dorm at night
(40)It’s a sudden, dry sound
(41)But at least you’re putting the yellowtail on my face so that I don’t smell it
(42)I hope you don’t fart
(43)This person
(44)The main character in the letter above
(45)Nora Barnacle Joyce
(46)The Denial Of James Joyce


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