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The reason for the low birth rate in Korea has been revealed


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(1)Total fertility rate of 07 shock
(2)Men should participate in parenting more
(3)Total fertility rate of 07 shock men raise more children
(4)You have to participate in KBS 20230908
(5)57 thousand views on KBS News, 12 days ago
(6)Not long ago, she appeared on KBS at the Ministry of Health and Welfare
(7)The reason for the low birth rate and the solution

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(1)KBS’s Gyeongin
(2)All about tough welfare policy
(3)”In double-income couples, men spend 54 minutes a day raising children, while women spend 3 hours and 7 minutes.”
(4)”When men’s efforts are needed for work-family balance and childcare issues
(5)The total fertility rate in the second quarter was 07 people, the lowest in the world Since the OECD average is about 16, Korea’s low birth rate is getting worse and worse Measures to overcome the low birth rate have been heavily debated, but the Government are attempting a whole new approach to counteract the low birth rate
(6)It defines anxiety about the future as the root cause of the low birth rate and focuses on relieving young people’s anxiety through job and housing support
(7)Another reason for the low birth rate is the issue of gender inequality, and a recent survey found that women spend nearly three times more time raising children than men in dual-income families This is also a proof that men’s efforts and roles are needed more in work-family balance and childcare care, and that men’s own changes are urgently needed
(8)Inside Kyung-in with 17 million viewers in Incheon, Gyeonggi Province, and Lee Ki-ki, the first vice minister of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, looked into the wisdom of overcoming the low birth rate suggested by young people
(9)Conclusion between KBS and the Ministry of Health and Welfare
(10)The low birth rate is the fault of young men, and men are more willing to take care of themselves
(11)Try and sacrifice
(12)When a woman gets a job, she leaves the office on the spot and makes her husband work alone
(13)There are a lot of cases, but this is only because of men
(14)If the birth rate is 07 degrees high, then it’s the tail of the tail


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