image text translation
(1)A recently published study is finally
(2)A small amount or a moderate amount of alcohol can be used in the brain
(3)I found out if it affects you
(4)according to the results of the study
(5)from one to two cups a day
(6)I drink very little
(7)one’s limitation on drinking the right amount
(8)thinning the neocortex of the brain
(9)A phenomenon has been observed
(10)This is the neocortical silver
(11)Neuron loss. This is it
(12)It’s also good outside of the sun
(13)Losses were observed
(14)I’m going to study the results
(15)What you pay attention to is
(16)It’s been a long time since this study
(17)People were curious about it
(18)Because I found the answer to the question
(19)That’s why I keep drinking
(20)Drink moderately in your brain
(21)It has an adverse effect
(22)The answer is just a little bit, but this will happen
(23)be on the brain
Andrew Huberman, Stanford University neuroscientist