image text translation
(1)It cost about a million dollars
(2)It was 960,000 dollars
(3)That’s like a toothpaste commercial in the U.S
(4)#5 Full mobilization of Stallone family
(5)Rocky didn’t have enough money to make it
(6)I couldn’t hire many extras
(7)#5 Full mobilization of Stallone family
(8)That’s why Stallone’s family is here
(9)Among the people who sing on the street
(10)There was Frank Stallone Jr
(11)The person who rings the bell during the game
(12)My father was Frank Senior Stallone
(13)My wife Sasha was the photographer of the movie set
(1)Most of the Rocky 1 pictures left were taken by Dasashaimage text translation
(2)#6 Low-budget problems that I hit with lines
(3)Rocky was a low-budget movie
(4)I should have filmed it in a short time
(5)So we finished shooting in 28 days
(6)I had to shoot the Philadelphia scene in 5 days
(7)A lot of scenes in one take
(8)I should have filmed it
(9)You can see a Hertz truck in this scene
(10)He didn’t have time to move, so he just took it
(11)Even if there are props or design mistakes
(12)I didn’t have the money and time to make it again
(13)I accidentally got a boxing gown
(14)9 사이즈 더 크게 제작됐지만
(15)I couldn’t make it again, so I said these lines instead
(16)Hey Adrian
(17)The hat is too big
(18)Good luck
(1)Originally, I wore white pants, but in this pictureimage text translation
(2)I was wearing red pants because of the artist’s mistake
(3)I added these lines instead
(4)Jeremy’s poster is wrong
(5)What are you talking about
(6)I’m wearing white pants
(7)I’m going to wear a red string
(8)It doesn’t matter, does it
(9)From Rocky’s script, which was originally a love story
(10)아이스링크에서 에이드리언과의 첫 데이트하는 장면
(11)In the script, 300 busy people who have 200
(12)It was a skating rink
(13)I had no money to hire only one Acstra
(14)I had no choice but to edit the script on the spot
(15)After the ice rink closes, we’re going to go on a date
(16)and turn it into a scene