Rapper’s seizure button. Lee Chanhyuk.jpg

Rapper's seizure button. Lee Chanhyuk.jpg

image text translation

(1)Hip-hop is not cool
(2)Rappers who answer to Lee Chanhyuk who says hip hop is not cool. Subscribe _holic
(3)I’m selling Kundi
(4)Hip-hop is not cool anymore
(5)I’m going to sell Kundi!
(6)Even if it hurts, I’ll put up my middle finger
(7)Rappers answering to Lee Chanhyuk who said hip hop is not cool
(8) _holic subscription
(9)You’re beating me up
(10)The vocalist of AKMU
(12)You’re writing lyrics that say it’s not cool
(13)What if I wasn’t here
(14)It’s embarrassing to see how cool hip-hop is
(15)Rappers answering to Lee Chanhyuk who said hip hop is not cool
(16)But when you meet me, you avoid my eyes
(17)28 thousand
(18)Park Jae-beom
(19)You were cool inside the crab. Why you Chanhyuk
(20)Park Jae-beom
(21)I’ll protect you. Don’t worry
(22)Don’t take advantage of it. Just add it or go
(23)28,000 comments
(24)This is it. Three days ago
(25)That’s cool. I said something. Rappers were having a seizure
(26)365 thousand
(27)21 replies
(28)Banggyo-ribo / 4 days’ safety quarters
(29)CHAN HYUK is a hip one-top
(31)The fact that the hip-hop scene was rocked by one line of “Sae-Se-Ha” is Chan Hyuk’s “Korean hip-hop one-top.”
(32)Hyung’s lyrics
(33)It’s called “Geo-cheon-yeah.”
(35)5 replies
(36)Six days
(37)It’s really not cool to avoid the snow Lol372,000 P
(38)88 replies
(39)Han Do-hyun, 4 days ago
(40)It’s the best song to listen to and the coolest one is 19,000mm
(41)I’m from CoC 20

Rapper's seizure button. Lee Chanhyuk.jpg

image text translation

(1)Lee Chanhyuk
(2)Yes, that’s right. Hip hop is not cool
(3)He needs a lot of thoughts
(4)He needs to grow up a lot
(5)Sometimes, I have to go like this! You can be like this
(6)I said hip-hop is not cool because I’m a fool
(7)If you said that much, you should be prepared to be called a fool
(8)A fool is a bit
(9)Hip hop isn’t cool these days
(10)Show Me the Money, the whole genre
(11)If you say it like this, you have to be prepared to hear anything
(12)This is a cotton net. A cotton bat
(13)Yes baby, I’m a hip hop guardian, sahi
(14) rainbowfriendpurple 4시간전
(15)I’m sure you’ve put a lot of thought into it, but Swings said
(16)a lot more
(17)Previous b-hee81632:00 ga
(18)From a trilateral point of view, hip-hop is cool
(19)It became an issue to understand from all angles and try to use your efforts Like politics, criticisms, such as politics, are politically defensive, and politically self-determination, they look back and express themselves
(22)Only Royle
(23)a sea map

Rapper's seizure button. Lee Chanhyuk.jpg

image text translation

(1)South Korean Marine Corps

Lee Chan-hyuk, retired from Marine Corps

“Kundi Panda, incomplete

the expiration of the Changmo Army

the United States of America

Park Jae-beom Unnecessary U.S

Private Swings, the cause of the righteous army’s discharge, mental illness

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