Causes sensitive people to get tired easily.jpg

Causes sensitive people to get tired easily.jpg

image text translation

(1)a past story
(2)If it’s a little hard
(3)I’ll do that
(4)에너지 툭 떨어져서 아무것도 못하고
(5)Professor of Psychiatry at Samsung Medical Center
(6)Jeon Bongjin has different energy
(7)I’m not good at recognizing how Koreans feel
(8)It’s hard to evaluate Jeon Bongjin because he doesn’t know the level of depression and sadness
(9)When I ask if Hongjin’s energy is high or low, he understands quickly
(10)My energy is low
(11)What should I do when I’m sensitive
(13)Reduce interpersonal relationships to save your energy
(14)Because it’s always hard when we meet
(15)He doesn’t do what he’s going to do what you want to do
(16)If that happens, it becomes a painting
(17)When I’m at home
(18)I think I can maintain energy, but I can’t because
(19)I liked that time
(20)If I lie still at home
(21)I’m a doctor.
(22)It reminds me of something I did wrong
(23)Would it have been better if I tried a little more
(24)And then you drain your energy
(25)I lied down to get it done, but it was a rest
(26)at every turn
(27)You lose your judgment
(28)Characteristics of conversation by sensitive people
(29)People like Jeon Hongjin talk with other people
(30)You don’t just listen to the words in the conversation
(31)I pay attention to the expression and the way I speak in Korean proverbs
(32)If the other person is frowning, why are you frowning all of a sudden
(33)There’s an excessive amount of information
(34)While reflecting on that
(35)I keep thinking about it a month or two later
(36)It’s the one where the opponent is doing this
(37)I’m thinking about what to say
(38)I’m going to say what I’ve prepared
(39)weekly editing of the youth
(40)Do you have to avoid being hot when choosing a JYP lover or spouse
(41)He’s so sensitive
(42)It’s good to have someone who can take it well
(43)It’s because of the noise that comes from a lot of people
(44)Time to lose. Time to eat is maintained during FANSHIP
(45)It’s very important to the outlook
(46)People who keep changing their lifestyles tend to get sick


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