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(2)October 10, 2023, 940pm, 191,000 views
That place where 40 newborns were beheaded is called Kibbutz
It’s a community where Israelis live and co-parent
The newborns here are not raised in private homes
co-custodial care in kibbutz
Hamas, the Shooks, who are no better than these brutes
He entered this community and beheaded 40 newborns
Killing more than 100 people, including adults
In our country, we attacked and beheaded a daycare center
Israeli soldiers devastated to see beheaded newborn bodies
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Israel, in a simmering rage
Flattening work is underway on Gaza
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I want to fly a nuclear missile
Looks like we’re barely holding it in and flattening out
Hamas is a mad muslim, even worse than the devil