Even under the comprehensive wage system, the basic salary minus the allowance must be higher than the minimum wage

Even under the comprehensive wage system, the basic salary minus the allowance must be higher than the minimum wage

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(1)0 Yonhap News Agency
(2)Deducting allowances for the comprehensive wage system under the Supreme Court
(3)Your salary should be higher than the minimum wage
(4)Input 20231010 PM 1200。
(5)Correction 20231010 p.m. 1201 article original
(6)Reporter Hwang Yoongi
(7)one street
(8)Basic salary excluding overtime, holidays, and night work allowances
(9)Comparative calculation of minimum wage

Even under the comprehensive wage system, the basic salary minus the allowance must be higher than the minimum wage

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(1)Seoul = Yonhap News Reporter Hwang Yoon-ki = Comprehensive wage system applied
(2)In the case of workers who can work, the Supreme Court ruled that the basic salary, excluding overtime, holidays, and night work allowances, should be higher than the minimum wage

Even under the comprehensive wage system, the basic salary minus the allowance must be higher than the minimum wage

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(1)The Supreme Court is asking if wages fall short of the minimum wage
(2)The Ministry said Plaintiff A should compare the comparable target wage and the minimum wage calculated based on the amount of salary excluding various allowances, adding that there was a mistake in influencing the judgment of the court below by misunderstanding the legal principles on how to calculate the comparable wage


Plaintiff A, who appealed, lost both the first and second trials, but reversed in the Supreme Court

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