What Muslims Say about Korea’s Problems

What Muslims Say about Korea's Problems

image text translation

(1)There’s nowhere to eat
(2)Dried pork and freshwater fish considered forbidden by Muslims who choose their food according to their faith
(3)Allowed Food Unallowed Food
(4)Beef 羊肉 SAPI
(5)You can’t eat any other meat that isn’t slaughtered according to the law
(6)Because of this, what they’re looking for is a halal certified restaurant
(7)I went to Dongdaemun where many tourists visit with young Muslims
(8)I can’t find it even if I walk for about an hour, and even the district office says no
(9)I found a Muslim-friendly restaurant only after going to a university with a lot of international students
(10)There are only 13 halal restaurants in the country
(11)I checked if there are any taboo ingredients in regular restaurants, so the order is a poverty tube
(12)International student of Nabilabrunai
(13)Three bibimbap, please. But this has meat in it
(14)There’s no meat in it
(15)”Kenan Sevigny, Azerbaijan”
(16)If there’s no other way, I can only eat fast food
(17)What’s harder to find than a restaurant is a prayer room
(18)For Muslims, praying five times a day is a life
(19)In Seoul, where more than 700,000 Muslim tourists visited last year alone
(20)There are only 14 prayer rooms
(21)I’m asking for proper information so that I don’t get prejudiced
(22)It’s a story of Muslims in Korea
(23)What’s so ridiculous is that the slim members
(24)If you go to Tanara and ask them to give you halal, you’ll be 30 years old
(25)Foreign immigration inspection, confiscation or deportation of their own culture, people who have no intention of acknowledging the culture of human beings
(26)Like alcohol. Meat
(27)You said you wanted me to


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