Judge Nampemi to ask young men to understand and move on

Judge Nampemi to ask young men to understand and move on

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(1)These days, there are angry men on the Internet
(2)It’s often noticed that men are already beyond gender equality
(3)It’s a time of reverse discrimination, but women only talk about the past
(4)Author of the Judge’s Individualist Declaration
(5)It’s about excessively attacking men while doing itOf course, there may be some unreasonable and excessive attacks, but those who see only that have their eyes closed on the big picture

Judge Nampemi to ask young men to understand and move on

image text translation

(1)Men who complain of reverse discrimination are dating in the military
(2)I’m talking about the cost of marriage That’s right. It’s discriminationBut even that discrimination was not created by womenIn an era when men monopolized social roles, it is discrimination made by themselves, and fate that will disappear naturally according to the changing times. Women are angry, saying, “Don’t give disadvantages to their professions for childbirth and childrearing by giving them opportunities and wages that fit their abilities, don’t hit them, don’t film them with hidden cameras, don’t rape them, don’t kill them,” but men are angry, saying, “Women aren’t going to the army, Dutch pay, why don’t you do that?”
(3)Why are you being sensitive? I don’t do that. Why are you making a fuss
(4)He’s angry because he’s swearing. I think this is an example of picking up clams when there’s a tidal wave that someone said

Honey is washed by the upper generation and why the lower generation should share the pain lol

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