a memorization book of English words that has become a legend

a memorization book of English words that has become a legend

image text translation

(1)① attribute A to B
(2)Mr. Fregnan – the mother’s association of the girl hiding in the grass, the girl hiding in the grass, the seed of the stone next door, bemoaning her daughter
(3)pregnant pregnant

a memorization book of English words that has become a legend

image text translation

(1)a generous
(3)Liberal ⓐ open
(4)generosity ① generosity good generosity petty stingy
(5)① Jennerus, put him in. D. I made a mistake, but let’s put him in. DD, generous
(6)Let’s put the dog in and use it. Generous
(7)Director Kim Sung-geun is associated with talking generously while pointing to Kwon Yong-kwan, who made a mistake
(8)She registered him as Kind and generous. She thought he was kind and generous

a memorization book of English words that has become a legend

image text translation

(1)Old Ragged → My ears and ears are jagged in shape His clothes are torn by forest life
(2) Jagged, jagged, ragged, rough
(3)Impression Rugged – Your Earhead
(4)Your ears look bumpy, too
(5) 1 rocky and bumpy
(6)The mountains are very tall and very animal
(7)2 Strong and tough

a memorization book of English words that has become a legend

image text translation

(1)opinion evaluation
(2)Oh, bloody women, smoking women
(3)saying that it’s
(4)I have a different opinion from yours

a memorization book of English words that has become a legend

image text translation

(1)2005 College Scholastic Ability Test
(2)After our meeting he teased me by saying, “Wow you look like an 11-year-old.”
(3)□ Obstruction Obstacles
(4)② Hindrance, it was hard. There were so many obstacles to get here
(5)disturb the hinder
(6)● She was more than a hindrance than a help to me
(7)□ hatch an egg
(8)② I saw a hen hatching an egg, so I did it with a rooster
(9)The eggs have started to hatch
(10)□ make a mistake
(11)4 When I tried to throw away the socks that I had run out of thread, I was reminded of the way I said, “Even if I told you to sew it with thread!”
(12) She used silky read she used silk thread
(13)□ a cold chill
(14)② The temperature of 77 degrees Celsius dropped, associated with chilly weather

a memorization book of English words that has become a legend

image text translation

(1)□ black black
(2)Negro Music 4284, reminiscent of black people who seem to have changed to Sana Guro Industrial Complex
(3)Lamb like me
(4)lisheep 양
(5)The baby sheep is called Lamb

Sheep baby ramLol

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