E-Mart is going through the basement

E-Mart is going through the basement

image text translation

(1)Q. E-Mart
(2)Moving Average 520 60 120
(3)Up to 117900 -4182
(4)Lowest 685 015

a daily wage

E-Mart is going through the basement
image text translation

(1)Q. E-Mart
(2)Moving Average 520 60 120
(3)Up to 334000-7946
(4)Lowest 685 015

monthly salary

E-Mart is going through the basement
image text translation

(1)Shinsegae Group in love with Jung Yongjin’s golf
(2)All golf wear businesses are out
(3)Input 20231002 AMC 705 Revised 20231002 AMC 706
(4)Reporter Kim Jinhee
(5)one street
(6)New World Construction Vice Chairman Chung Yong-jin applied for a trademark with the full name of YJC
(7)The possibility of expanding Shinsegae Food’s J-Lilayer YJC business is raised

E-Mart is going through the basement

image text translation

(1)Jung Yongjin, Vice Chairman of Shinsegae Group, Instagram

E-Mart is going through the basement

image text translation

(1)Shinsegae Engineering & Construction’s golf wear brand released in April
(2)YJC and Lee’s full names are used to create the business
(3)look angry YJC is named after Shinsegae Group Vice Chairman Chung Yong-jin

In the meantime, we’re starting a new golf wear business

Mr. Jeong Yong Jin, the leader of the group

It’s a brand. YJC

It’s been a while since BYC. Naming the strong double arms

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