Sexual harassment by a model house director

Sexual harassment by a model house director

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(1)A mother who can have sex is the ideal type of 00 construction director 179
(2)1617 Recommended 983 Inquiries 71124
(3)Amendment 230923 1656
(4)Cheonan38484 Read Writing
(5)My ideal type is a mother who can have sex
(6)Working at the model house in Buseong district of Cheonan, 00 Construction, he was the director
(7)He’s a victim of constant sexual harassment
(8)From March to July of this year, I have suffered from indiscriminate sexual harassment while working as a freelancer
(9)The director asked me to come to the place where I work and if I was bored, so I took a post-it and a ballpoint pen and wrote it down, and asked me to match the words below
(10)The word is boops condom fck penispussiesex, and in Korean, it’s chest condom, male genital sex, female genital sex
(11)At first, I didn’t know what word it was, and when I saw the last word, I knew it was sexual harassment
(12)I tried to pass the situation without knowing it, so I urged him to guess quickly, and in response to my repeated refusal, the director left saying it was homework until tomorrow
(13)The next day, I came back to my seat and asked if I had done all my homework
(14)I can’t forget the insulting moment
(15)In addition to this case, I asked myself working on a computer if I was watching a baseball game, and I was surprised and answered yes, and I sexually harassed her by passing by saying, “No, a baseball video.”
(16)Whenever additional salespeople came in, the head of car 000 wore a short dress today, and I liked how thick the belly was Or the head of the car 000 showed continuous interest in female employees, saying, “I have a pretty face because I look gentle and I have to check my copy of living alone
(17)Even when using the day off given through the labor contract, he ordered to find a substitute because there was something wrong with his work, and he asked for his photo and height, saying that the conditions for the substitute should be his girlfriend

Sexual harassment by a model house director

image text translation

(1)Also, when asked what his ideal type was, he answered that he was a mother who could have sex at a company dinner, making everyone embarrassed
(2)On top of that, one day, I was told that the sewing machine on both sides of my pants was ripped, and I stuck out my buttocks to make the sewing machine even wider, and I had to look at the warden’s underwear and bare skin that day
(3)The warden didn’t even seem to want to sew it, so I wore it a few times afterwards
(4)I’ve been under constant stress for months from the sexual harassment I’ve suffered for months
(5)I didn’t think I could work with this major anymoreAs soon as I quit, I informed the headquarters of the sexual harassment of the head of the company and filed a complaint with the Ministry of Employment and Labor for sexual harassment in the workplace
(6)However, the headquarters said they would let us know as soon as it progressed, but they never informed us, and the director wrote an outrageous statement saying that he was close to each other, but the headquarters said they would discuss the punishment of the director after seeing the results of the complaint from the Ministry of Employment and LaborHowever, the Ministry of Employment and Labor says that it is difficult to punish 00 Construction because my affiliation is different from 00 Construction
(7)The labor contract was signed with the company, an affiliate of 00 Construction, and 00 Construction is dismissing sexual harassment
(8)Many female employees still work there, and I don’t know what kind of harassment they’re going to be
(9)00 Construction continues to have the director in charge of the model house
(10)I don’t know how to put someone like this in charge and sell people hundreds of millions of apartments
(11)I quit after months of insulting and painful experience, and the warden was so shameless as if nothing had happened

Sexual harassment by a model house director

image text translation

(1)Please say that the harassment as much as the harassment is too painful for the victim
(2)0 I hope you know the construction and its warden
(3)I don’t think there is happiness for employees in OOO construction that builds happiness for Korea
(4)Thank you for reading the long comment


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