The result of selecting a female employee from a beauty contest at the company

The result of selecting a female employee from a beauty contest at the company

image text translation

(1)I think being young and pretty is a huge boost
(2)We have a working-level employee in his early to mid-20s in our team
(3)She came in recently. She was from a beauty contest
(4)It’s very long and pretty
(5)My job is copying phone calls, Excel work, Word work, etc
(6)I asked you to spring bind the resource book for Friday’s meeting around lunch today
(7)But around 4 or 5 o’clock
(8)It’s not the next team, but Ajo, a 32-year-
(9)And to me
(10)Mr. 00, what are you going to do if you cut your finger while you’re binding
(11)I’ll give him a pin-up Lol Ajo, it’s not rice cake binding, it’s spring binding;;; lol
(12)I’m too busy to say anything
(13)How could you leave this to another team Next time, even if others help you, do it yourself
(14)That’s what I said And later, I’ll talk to our assistant manager over coffee
(15)Starting with commuting carpool, lunch, help with work, coffee snacks, liquor studies, etc
(16)All the employees in their late 20s and early 30s were stuck next to her
(17)It was scary
(18)I can’t believe I can live with a lot of convenience just by giving room to the opposite sex
(19)She showed me what she wrote on her Instagram
(20)Thank you. It was written like this and I got more scared when I saw the snow scene
(21)I don’t know if this is fishing grounds management or who it is, but there must be people who are really excited when they see it
(22)I think this is certain even to me without any sense coach


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