image text translation
(1)Follow mycutiegirl_CW
(2)”That’s great. If I were you, I would be like this. LOL. Next time, I’ll eat Jonna.”
(3)귤 rurulurala
(4)How Kim Yoon-ah got sober
(5)There’s a reason why I stopped drinking I was going to leave the country the next day after the concert, so I had to write an interview paper before that, but after the concert, I drank a lot and woke up the next morning at the airport I had to prepare because there were a lot of interview requests, but I was so confused
(6)But when I looked at my desk, the interview paper was all written out and printed out, and I read it and it was fine, but I couldn’t remember it at all I was so scared that I thought I shouldn’t do it. I thought that people might not know no matter what I do, pretending to be fine even after drinking a horror drink that seemed to drain blood
(7)844 May 11, 2023