The reason why the actress sent a coffee truck to Jo Se-ho

The reason why the actress sent a coffee truck to Jo Se-ho

image text translation

(1)The Magicians of Episode 101 Time
(2)Mr. Jo Se-ho
(3)Soap, Hut coffee tea, Choi Seho, I
(4)The coffee tooth that came with the body
(5)Oh, look!
(6)”Fan ID” again today
(7)Good Day First Coffee Chi 0
(8)adding mystery
(9)coffee truck owner
(10)Baby Joo is
(11)This is what they sent me
(12)I’m using it!!
(13)JIN KIJU will do a U-quiz
(14)I got your back.
(16)Our colleagues at the drama site
(17)sent me a snack truck
(18)97th episode of “The Art of Changing Jobs”
(19)Urus Episode 101, The square’s face
(20)Be fair with ginseng
(21)The Magicians of Episode 101 Time
(22)I want to get a coffee truck
(23)Didn’t you get it
(24)Joseph, I’ll send you one
(25)I’ll send you one
(26)· unspent distribution
(27)I’ll send it to your house
(28)The magician of time, jockey of the time, is doing a New Quiz
(29)1 trillion Sehonam
(30)It’s a very good first coffee. It’s been planned since then
(31)Kijoo’s big picture
(32)When I heard that, I was like
(33)Shin Ki Joo gave a quiz
(34)Jinki juice and coffee
(35)Thank you for the drink!
(36)Kijoo, I’ll send you a coffee bun during the next shoot
(38)Mr. Daggiju
(39)I’ll send you a coffee bun
(40)The Magicians of Episode 101 Time
(42)I don’t think you’d want it
(43)I hope this doesn’t seem like a connection


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