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Progamer of Protoss


Progamer of Protoss

image text translation

(1)It’s the skill that picked Terran
(2)”My son, Junhu, is going to order.”
(3)”The Terran SCV is like a building
(4)”Tank range is
(5)If I don’t know if it’ll touchable or not
(6)”I can reach you no matter what”
(7)Looking at the Vulture that didn’t do a quick job
(8)”But it’s still fast.”
(9)I’m going to throw a ball to the main team
(10)Lee Young Han, who asked me when I broke in
(11)”Did you blink?”
(12)Barak Double is
(13)to all races
(14)It’s the best build.”
(15)”My 100,000 won and
(16)Your 100,000 won is worth the same
(17)200 units of Terran
(18)200 of Toss is different”
(19)”No, Terran is going to do a double.”
(20)”Can I grind cheese?”
(21)While climbing Bukhansan Mountain
(22)”This is really Terran map.”
(23)There are so many hills
(24)The jug and toss
(25)I’m 73 years old since I divided up the workers
(26)Two eggs come out of one
(27)”I’d rather have a jug game with a toss.”
(28)It’s better to go for the kick-off with that nine
(29)”You can think of it as 1 hashtag and 3 gates”
(30)The game is kind to Juggate, so even if it’s easy
(31)Toss is a loss to sleep loss
(32)Even if he’s resting, he’s prepared three Larva
(33)Terran beat the jug
(34)He throws a toss
(35)”Toss sells the toss”
(36)”I’m not a psychopath, I’m a psychopath
(37)Because the toss unit is weak
(38)I’m going to write a summary of the main language’s report
(39)”There’s nothing on this day

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