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A twist in the cafe where I sent out a note to the old man to leave


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(1)Review 1 Starlight Average 10 20230925
(4)Sunday, September 24th
(5)The time spent in the store is
(6)Web outgoing
(7)Young customers are long
(8)4600 won approved
(9)It’s not coming this way at all. Lotte 30
(10)Single Payment 0924 1101
(11)My dad has been using the store since this morning, and he brought in a note from the owner When I asked my father about the condensed milk, he said he had bought a cup of coffee and stayed long My father’s problem in that situation is that he didn’t re-order or stayed too long, but suddenly I wonder why there is an age-related point. Is there any information about the customer’s age in the rule? lol The mention that young customers are not coming this way at all sounds like a statement that my father’s age is the problem, not my father’s behavior
(12)My dad received this note and looked around and said there weren’t many customers inside the store If it wasn’t even full, I wonder if young people are saying that they didn’t even come into the store after seeing my father outside the window
(13)If it’s only for young customers because it’s in front of the university building, I’d appreciate it if you could reveal that it’s a no-senior zoneㅠㅠ슴ᆞ니ᄂᆞᅡ I will tell you that I can’t go to my father’s age range from now on~! Folding
(14)As the article became a hot topic, I listened to various communities, got a rating attack, and even wrote an apology at the headquarters
(15)The controversy over the note to the old man A stayed for 7 hours
(16)A young customer is not coming. A note
(17)Channel A report
(18)Review 1 Starlight Average 10 20230925
(19)A young customer isn’t coming. A note
(20)Sunday, April 24th
(21)Channel A Report
(22)Young customers
(23)I’m not looking this way
(24)Disposable 0924110
(25)My dad has been using the store since this morning, and he brought in a note from the owner When I asked my father about the condensed milk, he said he had bought a cup of coffee and stayed long My father’s problem in that situation is that he didn’t re-order or stayed too long, and suddenly I wonder why there’s such an age-related comment. The fact that the rule says something about the customer’s age at all _ that younger customers aren’t coming this way at all _ sounds like the statement that my father’s age is the problem, not what he’s doing
(26)My dad received this note and looked around and said there weren’t many customers inside the store If it wasn’t full, I wonder if young people are saying that they didn’t come into the store after seeing my father outside the window
(27)If it’s only for young customers because it’s in front of the university building, I’d appreciate it if you could reveal that it’s a no-senior zoneI’m telling you that I can’t go to my father’s age range from now on
(28)the owner of a cafe
(29)The customer went to eat in the middle and stayed there for a long time…
(30)When older people come, customers often avoid the seats

The news reported that the customer was in the cafe for more than 7 hours and the owner said that the customer had eaten in the middle

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