Dermatologist’s official: Acne-producing food

Dermatologist's official: Acne-producing food

image text translation

(1)a dermatologist
(2)Hello, I’m Kim Hong Seok, a dermatologist
(3)Today, I’m going to talk about food that makes acne worseToday I would like to talk about foods that worsen acne
(4)In the past, when acne sufferers visited the hospital, when they visited the clinic for acne
(5)A man who teaches skin
(6)Director, I have a pimple
(7)What food should I be careful of
(8)A lot of people are asking
(9)It doesn’t matter, just eat as much as you want
(10)Yes ^^ Then I’ll eat as much as I want
(11)It’s something that’s left
(12)It doesn’t matter every time! Just eat everything comfortably and there’s no big problem! That’s what I said
(13)A man who teaches skin
(14)But that’s not the case these days
(15)There are a lot of reports that food has an impact
(16)So these days, I’m going to explain things about food
(17)A guy who tells me about my skin
(18)the main cause of acne
(19)What’s the main cause of acne
(20)It hurts just to look at it
(21)It’s sebum
(22)Increased sebum secretion increases the frequency of acne
(23)But if the food makes a lot of sebum come out
(24)Sebum is the main cause of acne
(25)If the food produces a lot of sebum, come here
(26)It’s enough to keep your acne
(27)That’s why I did my research based on these principles
(28)First food
(29)The first one is milk
(30)Along with milk and, of course, dairy
(31)The study compared young groups that had milk and did not have milk
(32)It’s statistically reported that you get a lot more acne when you drink milk
(33)If you drink more than two cups of milk a day after that study
(34)2. Award acne probability UP milk
(35)Norwegian more than two cups of milk that cause a lot of acne
(36)That’s why I checked the ingredients without milk
(37)Then, the ingredients that act like hormones in our body
(38)There are a lot of people
(39)The ingredient called IGF-1 is very importantThe last name in this IGF-1 is essential component of milk
(40)This is a kind of hormone called Insulin-like growth factor 1
(41)a man who teaches skin
(42)This IGF-1 increases sebum secretion and sebum
(43)Increased sebum secretion
(44)▼ keratinocyte differentiation
(45)Shiki plays the role of blood
(46)Sebum secretion increases in sebum, skin surface, and keratinocytes differentiate
(47)Sepharpo on dead skin cells
(48)hypersecreted sebum
(49)↑ differentiated keratinocytes
(50)It’s suddenly piled up, so it’s clogged. It blocks the skin
(51)Pore clogging →
(52)↑ Differentiated keratinocytes
(53)That’s what IGF-1 does
(54)Milk contenting redients suchas androgen progesterone and IGF-1, which are known to contain ingredients such as androgen progesterone
(55)Milk over 2 years old a day
(56)So when we drink more than two cups of milk a day
(57)It’s enough to get acne when you’re over two years old
(59)It’s going up!
(60)It means you have a much higher chance of getting acnewe are more likely to have acne on our skin
(61)And milk-based dairy as cream cheese cheese
(62)4 cottage cheese
(63)Ice cream
(64)Of course, it’s high
(65)It’s all what I like
(66)That’s why you can make pimples like this
(67)The next important thing is foods with high sugar levels
(68)When we take carbohydrate insulin help the sugar content to be a man who tells us skin
(69)facilitate the absorption of sugar
(70)Insulin Instin
(71)Because I ate a lot of food!
(72)Insulin Insulin
(73)Insulin suddenly goes up. This is a food with high sugar levelsWhen insulin suddenly increases it means that the high Gl food
(74)One of them is monosaccharide
(75)Sugar and rice are carbohydrates sugar is a monosaccharide
(76)Rice. How about rice
(77)The insulin goes up slowly The sugar index goes up slowlyOn the other hand rice is a polysaccharide that slowly increases insulin
(78)That’s why my sugar index is low
(79)a high rate of increase in insulin with a high
(80)The sugar index
(81)High glycemic index insulin growth rate ↑
(82)In the beginning of the video, I said, “Imended the relationship between IGF-1 and acne.”
(83)”Don’t doze off and review it.”
(84)It increases the secretion of sebaceous glands and rapidly differentiates the keratinocyte in the skin, thus differentiating differentiates keratinocyte fast
(85)I got acne because I blocked my pores!!
(86)It’s a role that blocks the poresand make pore block and acne
(87)So if you eat foods with high sugar levels, your acne can actually get worse. Take high GI food it may be the acne

If you eat a lot of this and are okay, you’re born with it

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