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Strange Hill Names in England


Strange Hill Names in England

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(1)the peaks of England
(2)47★★★★★ Google Reviews 50 Pieces
(3)There is a small hill named Torpenhau Hill in England
(4)I’m here
(5)But the origin of the name given to this hill is very unique
(6)Originally, there were people from Celtic cultures who lived on British soil, commonly called Celts
(7)Then, around the 5th century, the Anglo-Saxons, a group of Germanic tribes, invaded English land across the sea, broke the Celtic headquarters, and began to live there
(8)That’s where the case starts
(9)Hey, you little natives
(10)Why, Sibal-Roms
(11)What’s the name of that hill Anglo-Saxon tor over there
(12)You idiot, where’s the name of the hill calt word penn
(14)Oh, Unha! Your name is pen. Then you’ll be Thor Pentor Pen Duck
(15)I’ll call it that!
(16)There’s a ghost called Thor Penn Hill
(17)The same name was given
(18)But this is just the beginning
(19)British land was founded in the 9th century by a fighting Viking who lived on the Scandinavian Peninsula
(20)invade and start a war
(21)At the time of the helplessness against one, the British kingdoms eventually declared their surrender, officially biking the territorial limits of these occupation
(22)as a vine
(23)I have to decide it
(24)Hey, you two weaklings
(25)What’s the name of that hill Norwegian haugr over there
(26)I think that’s Penn Hilltor Penn
(27)Aha! The hill is called Torpento. Then it’s Torrpenn from now
(28)Pen-n-haugr-e-duck tor-pen-n-bul-goer!
(29)The unnamed hill is called Thorpen Howe Hill Hill
(30)It’s become a name like a moron
(31)But this is not the end
(32)Time passed and it became modern
(33)Anglo-Saxon, Viking, meaninglessly guilty. It’s like a British empire
(34)The name Torpenhän Haugrrfen is already painted with the hilltop where the name Torpenhän Haugrfenhaugr
(35)What’s wrong with the spelling of this narrow hill? Just like the pronunciation, toffenhow rover
(36)But since it’s a hill, you just have to put a heel on the back
(37)This is Torpenhow hill from now on
(38)Save 47 ★★★★★ 50 Google Reviews
(39)ㅖWhat can’t you do!
(40)It is said that the unnamed hill finally has a unique name for Torpenhau Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill
(42)1 hill
(43)2 Hill Hill
(44)3 Hill Hill Hill
(45)4 Hill Hill Hill Hill


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