“I told you to save me. I told you to do CPR.”

"I told you to save me. I told you to do CPR."

image text translation

(1)the front line of life
(2)CPR breaks bones, vomits blood
(3)Who would make me do it if I knew that

"I told you to save me. I told you to do CPR."

image text translation

(1)Watch it for life
(2)4th year of emergency medicine major in Seongsu-dong
(3)Your guardian asked you to save him yesterday

"I told you to save me. I told you to do CPR."

image text translation

(1)Life in the emergency room
(2)I asked you to save me, but I didn’t ask you to save me by breaking my bones and making me vomit, but I got a memorandum

"I told you to save me. I told you to do CPR."

image text translation

"I told you to save me. I told you to do CPR."

image text translation

(1)Emergency room life ship contents Customer front box
(2)I won’t do it if I’m dead

"I told you to save me. I told you to do CPR."

image text translation

(1)Daejeon Customer Care Center Life Insurance Co., Ltd
(2)As a doctor, I’m not ashamed at all!
(3)I’ve done everything I need to do

"I told you to save me. I told you to do CPR."

image text translation

(1)Daejeon Customer Reminder Emergency Room Life Frontline Saha
(2)I’m not ashamed of it. It can’t happen

"I told you to save me. I told you to do CPR."

image text translation

(1)Buy the front line of life
(2)I don’t have a heart, so if you come and press it
(3)My heart doesn’t even beat

"I told you to save me. I told you to do CPR."

image text translation

(1)Emergency room life death
(2)If your heart stopped beating, I’ll leave it to luck
(3)You asked me to save you yesterday

"I told you to save me. I told you to do CPR."

image text translation

(1)Real Documentary
(2)E.R. Life front line, Sergeant
(3)You have to leave your life up to heaven

Why did you come to the hospital when you said you had to leave it to luck

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