DCIN who was fired after swearing at the manager

DCIN who was fired after swearing at the manager

DCIN who was fired after swearing at the manager
image text translation

(1)● Final review of the story about swearing at the manager Q
(2)4080 views recommended 62 comments 99
(3)First of all, rehash what I wrote before
(4)The Jotso Gyeonggo team is the head of the department 1 and the deputy 1 and the head of the department
(5)It’s been about half a year since I went to school
(6)I didn’t make much mistakes at the team dinner and spent time without much discord, but the manager started craving after drinking a lot
(7)Please say hello
(8)Come to work earlier than me at 9 o’clock, but at 8:50-55, I was late once for 6 months. I was late at 10 minutes
(9)Focus on your work during work hours. Sometimes I talk on PC Kakao Talk, but that’s really everyone
(10)At first, it sounded like “Yes, y, yup”
(11)I was so angry because I kept doing it for over 30 minutes
(12)No, if you don’t know if you made a big mistake, the team members will keep saying, “What’s wrong with you, manager?” My blood pressure suddenly went up, and I drank about two bottles, you punk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shout out loud
(13)To the point where everyone at the store is focused
(14)And do you want to be stabbed, son of a dog? I’ll go to your house and kill myself by cutting off the neck of the whole family I don’t remember exactly when the assistant manager told me to calm down, let me go outside, and sent me a taxi because he was sick, but this is the situation
(15)And Jonna, come home and sleep. Your cell phone is okay I drank a lot. I had one of these and I didn’t read it and didn’t read it
(16)There’s nothing for the manager or anyone else
(17)I’m sure you don’t have to go to the company right now, but it’s a waste of six months, but it’s hard to get a kick out of it, so why are you picking a cabal guo
(18)Later on Monday, I called my assistant manager
(19)I don’t really remember the situation, but I said it looked like we had a fight
(20)First of all, the company asked me to come out on Tuesday
(21)Even if I quit, I had to pack, so I said okay and went to work normally
(22)When I went to work, people from other departments also felt awkward greeting, as if the rumor had already spread
(23)The blind section chief wasn’t there, and he sat down in my seat without any expression
(24)When I entered the conference room because the assistant manager asked me to have an interview, there was a personnel manager and a manager
(25)First, sit down and ask the manager if he remembers
(26)Actually, most of them are me, but I don’t remember them well
(27)I answered it all
(28)The head of the personnel team then explained the situation at the company dinner and confirmed that excessive verbal abuse against superiors is a disciplinary matter, and a disciplinary committee may be held
(29)That’s why I asked if it’s a disciplinary reason or workplace harassment to personally attack for nearly an hour outside of work hours
(30)The manager says it’s not a personal attack, but something that can be said as the head of the department regarding absenteeism
(31)I’m also upset that the manager scolded me to come earlier than I did, but I was delayed for more than 6 months, so I was never late for work. Is this a reason to scold the HR team leader for getting my work records
(32)And then he said, “You can come within working hours,” and the manager apologized for that, but if you felt that way, you have to say it out of the blue
(33)They asked if I was in my right mind to say that
(34)I don’t know because you drank a little, but you kept pointing out the same thing before the second round of food came out and until you finished eating. I see. I’ll fix the cold, but you keep saying that even though I’ve said it more than 30 times
(35)What should I say You probably know this because you were next to me
(36)It was so bad that you gave it to me
(37)When I said that, you seemed so embarrassed and sympathized with me
(38)The head of the human resources team said, “Yes, I understand that, but the level of abuse went over the limit.”
(39)The police station was an unruly level and threat No matter how unjust you feel
(40)It’s not right to act like that if you’re involved
(41)That’s why I admit it Are you going to the police station or I think you want to discipline me
(42)I’ll accept it if you just fire me or resign me as a police station
(43)You may pass byThen I’ll let you take responsibility for the problems
(44)That’s what I said
(45)He told me to leave for a while, so I’ll finish by resigning from the recommendation after the meeting
(46)I’ll take care of everything until May, including a little monthly leave
(47)Middle-level salary to find out the actual application by talking to Lee
(48)It doesn’t matter if you say it’s fake. It’s small, so there’s no one, but there’s a rumor that
(49)You’ll know if it’s done lol Anyway, even if it ends with some satisfaction
(51)what I’ve written so far

DCIN who was fired after swearing at the manager

image text translation

(1)I applied for unemployment and I’m just hanging out at home
(2)I got a call from the assistant manager
(3)My successor is having a hard time because I went out without a transition, so can you take over and do it for me
(4)You’ve always been nice to me and I like you, too
(5)Manager, I’m on unemployment benefits, so I’m sorry that I shouldn’t get paid, so if you come to do it, the company will give you cash in real time so that you can’t record it
(6)I asked because I was curious about the price, and they said they would give me 150,000 won a day
(7)It’s not bad, but he said he couldn’t go to see the manager, so if I let him know in advance so that he wouldn’t run into me on the day he comes, he’ll go to work outside
(8)But I asked him why he went that far
(9)The person who came to replace me ran away in two days, and the next person also said he would quit because there was no transition at all, so he asked for a simple transfer file. Manager Ham said that he was not selected here, so he was robbed by the director, and the company was banned from changing
(10)So if I say I’m coming, I’ll be forced to work a year or work outside that day lol
(11)I’ve done something wrong, so I have nothing to say, but I feel good to hear that. Anyway, I’m going to go tomorrow. I think I’ll go next week, but I think it’s 750,000 won not bad
(12)Source View Small Business Gallery Source

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