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Can I kill the weird people who tell me to get out of my house


Can I kill the weird people who tell me to get out of my house

image text translation

(1)I thought it was my house, so I just lived…without permission for ten years
(2)an absurd excuse for a man living in
(3)Going to Gallogg
(4)Views of 1945 Recommendations 11 Comments 19
(5)On April 27, A was hitting the victim with a vehicle at a villa in Gijang-gun, Busan
(6)A man in his 50s who was given a heavy sentence by car for scuffling with the landlord’s family without leaving the house on time despite the execution of forced eviction for not paying monthly rent was sentenced to severe punishment
(7)According to News 1, Chief Judge Kim Tae-up of the Busan District Court announced on the 15th that he sentenced A 50, who was accused of attempted murder, to 10 years in prison and ordered him to attach a location tracking electronic device for 10 years
(8)According to the prosecution’s indictment, A is accused of having a scuffle with the landlord’s family over the forced eviction at a villa in Gijang-gun, Busan, on April 27, and attempted to kill four members of the family several times
(9)Mr. A signed a lease with the landlord and lived in the villa, but did not pay the monthly rent Since then, the court has also ruled on the name of the building, and compulsory execution has been carried out
(10)Mr. A entered the house on the day of the incident and received a report of a house invasion from the landlord In response, Mr. A drove into the landlord couple and the landlord’s son couple
(11)At that time, in the closed-circuit CCTV, Mr. A reversed the vehicle and shocked the victim, and then rushed into it even though another victim was stepping back in front of the vehicle
(12)Mr. A repeated back and forth about three times This left the victims injured for up to six weeks
(13)Mr. A even claimed absurdly that he just lived because he thought it was his house, saying that he didn’t enforce it even though he received several text messages from the court that he would enforce it
(14)The court ruled that the defendant was guilty of murder, but did not make efforts to recover from the damage, such as asking for forgiveness from the victims, and that the victims’ trauma would be great

I got a text message saying I was going to enforce it, but it didn’t, so it became my house

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