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The End of a College Student Who Betted on a Professor


The End of a College Student Who Betted on a Professor

image text translation

(1)The story of a major battle with the professor. SSUL 88
(2)a neighborhood brother
(3)Search for avatar jiggle ⑧
(4)Created 2020-02-21090050
(5)Mobile 2020-02-21 153721
(6)Recommendation 1194 Opposite 1 Reply 88 Inquiry 61755
(7)It was two years ago when it was spring when sprouts sprout
(8)I wanted to go out and play because of the warm weather, but what can a college student do
(9)I’m gonna get stuck in a cold classroom and listen to the professor
(10)At that time, the professor was enthusiastic and putting the knowledge of cooperatives in the heads of foolish undergraduates
(11)But I couldn’t concentrate on the class because of the drowsy spring, so I was just writing a pen
(12)In the midst of such a lecture, the professor insisted that if cooperatives are to grow in Korea, regulations that are curbing growth must be eased
(13)I don’t know if my tendency is that way because I often use the Internet, but I thought regulation was an institutional device that needed, so I went to ask the professor a question after the lecture
(14)Professor Na, you said that in order for Korean cooperatives to grow, they need to lift related regulations But if that happens, wouldn’t it be an opportunity for poor cooperatives without basic conditions to be scattered
(15)Professor, do you think so
(16)My argument is against deregulation
(17)Professor, then let’s discuss the topic next week. Please prepare related materials by next week
(19)If someone saw me then, my eyes would have been out of place
(20)How can an undergraduate engage in a debate battle against a professor;;
(21)I managed to calm down my embarrassment and asked the professor if I could have a friend to help me with the discussion
(22)I know how to collect and organize data, but I didn’t have the art of persuading them with fancy language skills
(23)Fortunately, the professor gave me permission, and my friend who talks a little bit, Kyochon Chicken Honey
(24)I was preparing to block the debate by using a combo
(25)When I went to the lecture room next week, the two desks were attached to the church where the professor was teaching for discussion;;
(26)And I don’t usually see whether the professor vs undergraduate competition is rumored
(27)All the old faces were seated, too
(28)You’re usually good at attendance, you bullies
(29)Anyway, pros of deregulation of professors vs. regulation of two undergraduate students
(30)That’s how the fight against abolition began
(31)What’s the result
(32)It was very desperate. Even though the undergraduate student beat the professor and collected data in his own way, the professor’s friend who said that mine was nothing more than nothing compared to the data he collected was kind, but he couldn’t say anything about it; if it was so bland, he was waiting for a heartfelt execution
(33)The professor greatly praised our intellectual inquiry and courage as students, and exempted us at the end of the mid-term period and gave us A
(34)The major battle with the professor ended with a happy ending, leaving warm memories
(35)I shouldn’t have done that, but I didn’t know that
(36)My friend and I are now studying for graduate school because of the temptation of the professor
(37)be in the middle of
(38)Sorry I want to go home, professorcrying
(39)When I see Honey Combo with my friend, he’s about to bubble up and have a seizure


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