be controversial about racisma missing hamburger store

be controversial about racisma missing hamburger store

image text translation

(1)I’m talking about a racist fight that just broke out at a hamburger store. 09-30203127
(2)Because of the company’s image, I can only tell you which brand and which product it is
(3)A black man says his hamburger is too poor for the sample picture
(4)The counter said that he gave a little bit of toppings because he was black
(5)The part-timer threw away his hair and was flustered by other employees
(6)A guy who was eating hamburgers in the store woke up and said that the quality of hamburgers in Korea is this high
(7)I didn’t give less because I was black, but I asked for your understanding of the quality
(8)He opened the burger he was eating and showed me the insides
(9)The black guy was convinced and he just took the hamburger out

be controversial about racisma missing hamburger store

image text translation

(1)Reply Cosmos Yas 2023-09-04512TBAY0 Best1
(2)What is this? Hamburger or Hotteok That’s the worst. ^^
(3)Oreo McFlurry ® McSpicy Shanghai Burger
(4)Quarter Pounder Cheese Large Set
(5)Assisted steel 6 movement
(7)Hausen Fox 2023-09-06 153829270
(8)The sample picture of the hamburger and the actual product are different
(9)Paprikang 2023-09-06 180844170
(10)a run-off
(11)Latest order V
(13)Order Menu Double Quarter Pounder Cheese Set · Egg Bulgogi Burger
(14)It was helpful to the 9 of us
(15)It helps. It doesn’t help
(16)Yes, move 2


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