image text translation
(1)Hello, I’m Bogyeom430,000 views. 3 hours ago
(2)I prepared a bit more
(3)1.71 million views. 10 months ago
(4)Maeil Economy Pick 20230306 Naver News
(5)I’m not a boyKim’s judgment that he damaged the Plaintiff’s reputation by stating the specific facts of YouTuber Bogyeom’s final victory, regardless of Bogyeom’s intention, this expression is actually misogynistic
(6)Boylu’s misogyny expression No YouTube Bogyeom News 1 Court Boylu’s misogyny expression No Dailyan PicK-related news >
(7)The trial ended well
(8)I’ve become a misogynist
(9)Bogyeom TV
(10)I think it took about two and a half years
(11)There’s a genitalia attached to the name Bogyeom
(12)I wanted to get an apology and go with a normal S
(13)I’m going to get rid of the roots
(14)This is the last explanation
(15)The professor
(16)2020 is coming up
(17)Keep on mouse over to sleep
(18)Six months into the proceedings
(20)a final decision
(21)Storage TV
(22)I think it’s been about 7 years
(23)I fought with Femi for 7 years
(24)Trial alone for 2 years and a half
(25)I think I’ve recovered a lot