The Story of Dalant in the Church as a Child

The Story of Dalant in the Church as a Child

image text translation

(1)a picture of
(2)71581482 Thank you for your prayers
(3)When we see love
(4)Love it so much
(5)Children’s talents
(6)The local currency system of the church I attended as a child, Dalant
(7)If I’m good at something, I spray it to the youth at church
(8)If you collect a lot later, you can use this at a church bazaar or school supplies
(9)It could be turned into a game console or a toy
(10)When I was in elementary school, my brother and I
(11)Let’s save it and change it to a game console
(12)Let’s really die for a few months, collecting one year olds
(13)As far as I remember, 2,000 talents were not enough
(14)The other members are really strong. But they asked me if I could give them one card. They participated in all the church events and rolled so hard that it was brilliant
(15)And on the day of the bazaar
(16)The value of bills also drops sharply
(17)What is inflation
(18)The game console cost 120,000 talents
(19)One top blade was 50,000 talents
(20)I wasn’t going to give it to you from the beginning
(21)In the meantime, a set of pencils and notebooks is 50 talents
(22)After seeing the price selection that clearly shows of intent
(23)You and I, who are all the same
(24)Buying up all the snacks at the bazaar with a cash grant
(25)One sausage baked in a frying pan was 2 or 5 talents
(26)It was about tens of talents
(27)For us with 2,000 talents, it was free
(28)In the end, only Zimbabwean market items hit by inflation remain at the bazaar
(29)Another youth boy who appeared toddlingly with a small piece of money in his hand belatedly
(30)Why can’t I eat a sausage when I have 30 talents in my hand
(31)I had to cry
(32)We thought we’d lower the price of the game console next time
(33)And then I went to the bar, and I saw that the sausage was 50 talents
(34)Instead of attending church events after that
(35)It’s an opportunity to spend 1,000 won on donations and get stuck in the PC room

The Story of Dalant in the Church as a Child

image text translation

(1)Our Neighborhood Music Officer 2023-06-28 142942
(2)Then the children of church executives take tens of thousands of dollars and shake off that game console lol
(3)10,000 units of talents that I’ve never seen before were held in bundles by an insider of the youth club


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